Search results

  1. Duck1976

    Fish At The Top Of The Tank!

    I had the same thing after my air pump packed in. Had to wait till the next pay day (almost a month) to get the next one and for the last couple of days the fish were spending most of their time at the surface. Once that was in and up and running it only took a matter of hours for them to get...
  2. Duck1976

    My Tank So Far

    Hi Smegforbrains How do you find the moss balls? Just ordered some from the net. It is a really nice fork. Could have had a bidding war there, if only it was included!
  3. Duck1976

    Changing From Gravel To Sand

    I was lucky enought to have another tank as a holding tank at the time I did mine, so had another filter cycled. All I did was: Check levels on other tank, move fish into that. Drian main tank, but kept water with the heater, internal filter media and a powerhead just to keep water circulating...
  4. Duck1976

    Find Me That 6ft Tank I'm After are meant to be ok, they have soem of the Rena 600's in there which are really nice (mate has one)! OR they also have the large C-Dream, although I have not seen one of these "in the flesh" so can't say how nice they are etc... They aim for 5 day turn around from...
  5. Duck1976

    My New 5ft Tank Has Arrived (some Pictures)

    I made the same mistake with my water test first time I used it! For the filter media to cycle your new tank quicker. Get some of the media from your other filter, put it in some tights/stockings and place it in your tank next to the inlet for your current filter. It's not as quick as putting...
  6. Duck1976

    Think Fish Go Blind After Turning Lights On?

    Could just be the shock for going to very poor light (where their eyes are acclimatised to night vision) to then getting a bright light turned on. Imagine if your walking at night and suddenly get a torch shone in your eyes - same thing with your fish. I have some LED blue mooonlights that...
  7. Duck1976

    Oh Pants

    That's a big bag of worms. Is it a brick wall as that would have to placed above a load-bearing wall anyway and not over roofing joists unless a lintel was put in place. If so, then it sounds like it is a danger to the structural integrity of your property, plus the fact that it is on your...
  8. Duck1976

    Where Can I Find An Online Fish Image Database?

    You could try or
  9. Duck1976

    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    Try using fishing line instead of elastic bands. The elastic bands are more prone to degrade in your tank plus the fishing line won't stand out as much.
  10. Duck1976

    Warehouse Aquatics

    I have had a couple of tetratec filters and other bits and bobs through them. Never had a problem. What tank have you gone for?
  11. Duck1976

    Anyone Good At Math

    You could also have worked it out by measuring the level of the water before you started taking it out and the level after. TBH 25% should have seemed pretty obvious by just looking at it.
  12. Duck1976

    How To Change 100l Of Water Easily?

    Will a python not fit?
  13. Duck1976

    Best Way Of Sending Fish

    You could try these guys - never used them myself but a mate has.
  14. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Errrrrr. :rolleyes:
  15. Duck1976

    New Tank

    Not only feasable, but a lot easier and more sensible than mine!
  16. Duck1976

    New Tank

    Suppose you rig up an electromagnet holding up a stopper. Power goes off, magnet stops working, stopper locks and stops water flow. Would be pretty hard to make sure it goes water tight though.
  17. Duck1976

    New Tank

    Never used a sump before, however from what I have heard, you'd have to run the pipes up to the uppermost part of the tank if it is bottom drilled incase you have a powercut (otherwise the water would just drain out into the sump, then the sump would overflow and you'd be left with a reptile...
  18. Duck1976


    I used Argos playsand in mine as well, looks great. a 3 foot tank will prob only need one bag (£2.49) - takes a while to clean as everyone has mentioned, however I did leave a bit of gravel in (not much) just to get a more authentic "riverbed" look and it looks fine.
  19. Duck1976

    3 Stage Water Filtration System 4 My L182 Bristlenose Tank

    An RO unit would need two outputs so can't be that. Too damn cheap to be one. Haven't a clue if you can use it or not, never seen one of those before.
  20. Duck1976

    If You Won The Lottery?

    I'd love to basically have a wall that was an aquarium in the living room! It would be flamin huge! Make it so big, that you had to put on snorkel and wet suit to clean it! As for stocking.... humm, a shoal of Oscars? Maybe go up and get some really big fish...
  21. Duck1976

    Minimum Tank Size

    70l is 15.4 Imperial gallons or 18.4 US. Should be fine. If you ever need to find it out, just type into google xxlitres to UK (or US) gallons - has an automatic converter.
  22. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Still looking though! How old / big is he now?
  23. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Here be Wilde. The Oscar. Tank mate of Oscar. The Oscar.
  24. Duck1976

    Cleaning The Inside Tubing Of A Gravel Syphon

    I got a pipe cleaning brush from my LFS for about £2. Long flexible handle/stem thing, then a smal brush on the end. Perfect for making sure that the water filter pipes are fully clean. Pretty sure that's the kind of thing your on about. Eheim Pipe Cleaner
  25. Duck1976

    Bert's Fishes And Tanks

    Fantastic looking tanks and fish. The quality of the pictures is awesome. I can never get any near that kind of clarity.
  26. Duck1976


    Originally I had some of the Marina spotlights (can get them in many colours) which you can use underwater, but they just don't give out enough light as they are only single LED in each one. No seen any of the strip ones that are fully waterproof
  27. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Got Oscar's new tankmate last friday. Decided it was better to get him sooner rather than try to introduce them later. Stupidly let the mrs name him, so now was have Oscar &..... wait for it..... Wilde How original. He's a top looking Red. Will try to get some pics tonight and get them online.
  28. Duck1976


    Tetratec do some quality external filters. Can't go much wrong with those. Easy to set up and maintain and pretty much silent.
  29. Duck1976

    Do I Need A Timer On My Fishtanks?

    I use two digital timers (dirt cheap on ebay). One governs the main lights which are on 10am till 10pm and the other does the LED moonlights I have these come on at 6.30am-10.10 and 9.50pm-12.30, with the rest being darkness. Means that the fish don't get the sudden shock of the main lights...
  30. Duck1976


    If you search on ebay for "Aquarium Moonlight" they have loads of different ones listed. Mine is jsut one of the single 12" strips. Takes up no room at all. Mine are stuck to the middle part of the Juwel lightbar and fits between that and the reflector (they are only about 3 or 4mm wide)...
  31. Duck1976


    Cheers mate. Looks the nuts with the lights out, actually get to see the catfish!
  32. Duck1976


    Got some LED strip moonlights for my tank a couple of months ago and only just got round to taking a decent pic of them, so thought I'd post it.
  33. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Thought I'd post a couple of newer pics of Oscar the Oscar. Almost doubled in size from when we first got him!
  34. Duck1976

    Filter Chioce For Tank

    I'd go for an EX1200, you can always turn the flow rate down, plus if you upgrade to a larger tank then you will already have a decent filter ready to go.
  35. Duck1976

    Opinions On The Vision Range From Juwel

    I have a vision 180 and a vision 450. Both are spot on, never had any problems. I'd be getting and external filter straight away if I were you though. I decided to wait a bit with my Vision 180 before I got the Tetratec EX700 for it. The change was almost instantaneous. Got the EX1200 at...
  36. Duck1976

    Nellys Fish Thread

    AWESOME pics Nelly! :nod:
  37. Duck1976

    Very Confused

    I had a weather loach that dissapeared for about a month. During that time I even did a 75% water change, taken all the rocks etc out of the tank and sifted through the gravel but never found him. Then one day he comes swimming upto the front of the tank. Happy as larry. Sure your plec...
  38. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Here be Oscar. Not a brilliant pic, as he is only just over an inch (not for long). He's already picture shy as well!
  39. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Just gone into my first realms of the Red Tiger Oscar! Stupidly let the mrs name him and she came up with the apt "We'll just call him Oscar then..." Only a babe at the mo, just over and inch long. Currently in a 55g tank, but have a 120g cycling at the moment which is going to be his new...
  40. Duck1976

    Tetratec Ex700 Into Juwel Vision 180

    Hi there, I am looking at getting a Tetratec 700 to put into my Juwel Vision 180 tank. As I have the flat Juwel flapset on the top, I was just wondering if any alterations will need to be made to the lid (eg, cutting extra space for the filters pipe work) or if it should all fit in the gap...