My New 5ft Tank Has Arrived (some Pictures)

Chill guys, there's no need to shout at her! :angry:

Just back off and let her get on with it. I'm sure you have all done the same at some point. And I'm not interested in starting a debate on the subject either! :angry:


Anyway, your tank looks stunning and you have a nice varied stock. The only thing I would say though is that you will be pretty near capacity hun. Please do your best to keep on top of the water changes and please do keep testing the water.

All the best of luck and I hope you recover from the flu quickly :good:
have you basicly doubled your stock in less then a week and 2 weeks from starting the tank??have you not listened at all! also you need to do your best with the water chnges. Have you not lost any fish yet?

please catfish101 don't reply to ANY of my messages again, i don't want you advice anymore as everytime you have a go at me and i get very upset about it and im sick and tired of it. im trying my best and thats all i can do on the advice and books but ive had fish for a year and i'm still learning.
FYI. i havnt bought any more fish ive just had influxes of fish of fry as i cant stop them from breeding and i have turned my breeding tank into a gold fish tank and hadnt got anywhere to put them all so i had to put them into my big tank as my 3ft is over flowing with fish.
i'm not being nasty with anything im just trying to get along with everyone.
i've found some great people on this website who i asked many questions and have got very good replys.
so i will only ask for advice when i need it.
thank you.

and thanks for the NICE replys.

i havn't lost any fish.

i test my water onces/twice a week aswell as doing water changes onces/twice a week but havn't been able to do a water change this week as i have been ill and can't see or stand.
i havn't lost any fish.

i test my water onces/twice a week aswell as doing water changes onces/twice a week but havn't been able to do a water change this week as i have been ill and can't see or stand.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but, do you have any other tanks in the house? If so, most probably the good bacteria in their filters are already built up. In which case you can transplant half of it and it will spread around your filter and cycle it.
what keithoms is saying is if you have any other tank, i belive you have a 3 footer? then you can put some of the filter media from that into the 5ft filters and it will seed the bacteria colonys. the outcome being a shorter and quicker cycle.
what keithoms is saying is if you have any other tank, i belive you have a 3 footer? then you can put some of the filter media from that into the 5ft filters and it will seed the bacteria colonys. the outcome being a shorter and quicker cycle.

Spot on :good:

I do this when transferring fish from different tanks in the past with no problems.

Very nice set up tayliajayne, those plecs sure can crap cant they? :lol:
Hi guys.
I must say I have had an interesting time reading this thread.It's so easy for us to moan,shout and take the piss concerning this and many other threads about either 'newbies' or uneducated pet owners,but we must realise that this subject is massive and no-one knows everything.
Sometimes it's hard to take in all the advice thrown at us,especially when unfamiliar terminology is used.And sometimes it's easy to ignore trusted advice and just go on a shopping spree for a shoal of male Betta,just 'cause they look nice :blink:

I realise that we all have a voice and an opinion,but this time I felt for this young woman (who's only 16,by the way).She's a little naive,yes, but just needs a little more help and advice and with a bit of luck in a month's time the tank will be cycled and the fish will be happy in their amazing new home.You go girl !

I must say,though, that this forum is fantastic.It's a positive side of the internet.

Since I decided to set up my tank again I have been visiting every day just to read or ask questions and with your help I feel my knowledge growing and I'm ready.The set up starts tomorrow.Thanks guys. :blush:


M x
Tank looks lovely, as for the comment about your frogs don't listen to them, I have 4 in a community tank and have done for a lot more than just a couple of month. I love my frogs.
Just please do listen to the advice you are being given about stocking, you really shouldn't have added any more fish to the tank until it had finished cycling, they weren't being mean to you they were just trying to help you and your fish.
thanks :)

I would try the filter media.but it's different sizes and wrong shape.
I've been testing my water and I tested the was wrong lol
I wondered why the water test was clear and I look on the back of the colour chart and a needed to add bottel two LOL I thought it was a extra bottel LOL

And when I bought my clown louches I didn't relise till I got home but they had White spots on them.
I've put some White spot medication in. And now their covered. When I first saw it I did t think anything of it as I had salt in my tank and just change it to gravel. And just thought it was the salt left over.
sorry about my previous comment, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. However your tank does look great and your doing good for a still somewhat newbie :good:
With the frogs though, it really depends on the fish you have. Community tanks can have a wide range of fish and some are more suitable then others. Your angel fishes mouthes are built for eating small inverts/fish like that. Also it would not surprise me if the loaches took a go at him. Don't take this the wrong way, its just constructive critisism.

Again your tank looks great! just make sure you learn from mistakes such as checking out the fish before you buy them.
thanks :)

I would try the filter media.but it's different sizes and wrong shape.
I've been testing my water and I tested the was wrong lol
I wondered why the water test was clear and I look on the back of the colour chart and a needed to add bottel two LOL I thought it was a extra bottel LOL

And when I bought my clown louches I didn't relise till I got home but they had White spots on them.
I've put some White spot medication in. And now their covered. When I first saw it I did t think anything of it as I had salt in my tank and just change it to gravel. And just thought it was the salt left over.

I made the same mistake with my water test first time I used it!

For the filter media to cycle your new tank quicker. Get some of the media from your other filter, put it in some tights/stockings and place it in your tank next to the inlet for your current filter. It's not as quick as putting it directly in the filter itself, but every little helps.

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