Very Confused


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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Ok so I have an L168 pleco who I absolutely love and I noticed he hasn't come out at feeding time for the last 2 days (which is very unusual) I decided just now to have a quick look for him to check he's ok but he's totally disappeared. This pleco is about 6 inches and he was absolutely fine and eating 2 days ago... the largest fish I have apart from him are angels which never go to the bottom and a bolivian ram so it seems unlikely that he's died and been eaten.. I have dug up all the sand and nothing.. there is no holes or anything he could have gone up... Any ideas?!?
Any way he could have jumped out and is behind the tank? I've had some pleco jumpers before. That's the only thing I can think of. Other than he's stuck somewhere? Like inside an ornament?
I don't have any ornaments just bog wood and plants and i have searched under all these. As for jumping I just had i good look around the tank but I always leave the lid on while I clean the tank out so I think it's unlikely :( Thanks for the suggestions, this is really weird!
External filter, with filters on the tubes and no chance he'd of fit up the tubes anyway! :unsure: Thanks though.
inside the hood? sometimes they jump and get stuck ontop of the light tube? well he must be in there. leave it a day or 2 then. if there is no dead body leave it as there isnt anything to foul up the water.
I had a weather loach that dissapeared for about a month. During that time I even did a 75% water change, taken all the rocks etc out of the tank and sifted through the gravel but never found him.

Then one day he comes swimming upto the front of the tank. Happy as larry.

Sure your plec will turn up.
Check under the tank stand, even the smallest gap in the back may have been enough for the pleco to squeeze through if he got startled.
Also, do you have any pets that might have mistaken him for a snack if he did jump out?
Thanks for all the advice guys but I guess gfaduck was right.. my boyfriend saw him this morning.. I have no idea how i didn't find him when I emptied out the tank looking and still I can't find him now so clearly he's found himself a very good hiding spot somewhere.. it's just weird because he used to always be out.
ah plecs love sand my bn buried him self 3-4" down . khuili loaches are the same dont see them from week to week then thay appear. my albino bn has a habit of suck her self to the bogwood so you will never see her
i have a corydora who used to bury himself under the gravel which i thought was odd. i thought he was dead too, sand i could understand but gravel lol

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