Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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a little bit of good news for me

another guy was due to come and collect the oscars this weekend. it was emotional (and wet!!!) to catch them, stick them in the container and start saying goodbye again. then the bloke turned and said, come on lets go and take you to your new oscar pal.
of course this guy hadnt mentioned he had another oscar at home and planned on sticking these pair in with it. i looked at my fella, my fella looked at me and turned to the bloke to confirm 'you are going to put these with another oscar????'
'erm, yes' replied the bloke
'then sorry you cant take them' my fella said

of course the guy protested, kicked up a right fuss 'but the other is only a baby it wont harm them'
OH set him straight about the probably, inevitable death that would happen to the little guy and we hastily re-caught our pair and returned them to the tank

the guy stomped off (after trying to bribe us with more money for them)

so the oscars are still with us, and they will be staying. we had a talk last night and will sort it somehow. who needs living space? ok the 'finding' time for tank cleaning and so forth will have to be sorted asap but we're gonna figure it out one step at a time.

thats the second time we've been mucked around, the second time in a week the poor oscars have been caught, then thrown back in the tank, so no, no more stress for them it aint fair.

im so happy though, really. my babes can stay.

for now :)
Great new spish, glad you can find a way to keep them, you did the right thing :D
I have a 3-4 inch Tiger Oscar, Sorry I dont have any pics of him? Sorry!
I've gone and bougt two albino oscars this week!!! :blush: there about 5 inches at the moment. a bit of a shuffle round needed for me and a couple of new tanks in the new year. saying that they've slotted intoi my tank well and have made the silver dollars braver cos the oscars are so bold!!
Tomorrow is Friday & I'm gonna see me Oscars again.... Maybe. I think Oscars are beginning to grow on me.... Not just another fish...... I'm actually looking forward to seeing 'em again.....
Tomorrow is Friday & I'm gonna see me Oscars again.... Maybe. I think Oscars are beginning to grow on me.... Not just another fish...... I'm actually looking forward to seeing 'em again.....
Right on :good:

venter is now an O lover? :p
i bet they look forward to seeing you too Ludwig ,,and will recognise and interact with people they like , they are easy fish to fall in love with.
honest opinions needed folks! do you think a four inch bristlenose plec or a 3 inch common plec will make it in an oscar tank? i have to move one or the other as they are fighting and if they cant go in the oscar tank, they have to go!
honest opinions needed folks! do you think a four inch bristlenose plec or a 3 inch common plec will make it in an oscar tank? i have to move one or the other as they are fighting and if they cant go in the oscar tank, they have to go!

it seriously depends on how your oscars are with other fish, put it this way i have a 3inch golden saum in with my 11+inche oscars and they do not even look at him,also used to keep a candystipe plec<3incher>if that and he was fine,,,but as i say you will have to watch and be ready for the worst to happen :unsure:
HI EVERYONE! i recently have fallen in love with OSCARS!!!! every time i go to my lfs i run over to the oscar tanks and play with them. about 2 days ago i scrambled enough money to go out and buy a tiger oscar, he's 3-4 inches and a cute little fella at that, unfortunetly im am such a noob at this whole forum thing and i dont even know how to get a picture up on here lol :fun:

you guys seem like a nice bunch and i cant wait to be a part of this forum

p.s. i dont think i have ever seen so many amazing looking oscars :p
welcome dood!

we are a nice bunch,tho watch for for nelly,hes the crazy one ;)
i do exactly the same thing at the fish shop, there could be a naked man doing the water changes,and id walk past him to get to the oscars :lol:( ok maybe not straight away )
so, how large is the tank your oscar is in?> you can work this out using a tape measure and the aquarium calculator at the top right of the page
what filter have you got on the tank ( we are also a very nosey bunch :lol: )
you can get a pic on by openeing a free account at photobucket, or similar, then uploading your chosen pic to that site, then all you have to do is copy and paste the code into the reply box ( where you type)

any questions that you have ,just ask away,nothing is too trivial( or silly, i once thought my oscar had popeye,was infact the shell of a boiled pea stuck to his eye!! one laughed... well not much anyways :lol: ) ,and pics u wanna share,we`d love to see them :) and of course like wise if you have any advise for us,we`d love to hear it,

looking forward to your pictures,and again a very warm welcome to the nut house.. i mean oscar club ;)

shelagh xxxxx
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