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  1. Ryan12

    Your Favourite Species Of Plant?

    +1 for Heteranthera zosteraefolia
  2. Ryan12

    Portinho Da Arrábida - Uma Vista De Troia

    My family and I say leash. From where i'm from its prolly more common than lead. as for the boraras, mine seem to stay really close together. I think mine are really skittish though, they rarely come to see me. wanna trade lol?
  3. Ryan12

    I Feel Terrible

    o no :( im sorry to hear about your loss mik.
  4. Ryan12

    New Khuli Loaches And Tankmates

    That's a sparkling gourami, Trichopsis pumila
  5. Ryan12

    Portinho Da Arrábida - Uma Vista De Troia

    perhaps the boraras you have is a type of hybrid? I thought i remember reading that some of them can interbreed. I keep b. urophthalmoides and was concerned when i considered getting another type of boraras.
  6. Ryan12

    Tale Of Two Tanks

    Im think i decided on the new inhabitants, apisto cacatuoides and a school/shoal of threadfin rainbows. What do you all think about thee choices?
  7. Ryan12

    Tale Of Two Tanks

    Tank update! It's been awhile, some changes have happened. Besides one piece of driftwood, they are all sinking to the bottom now. Basically that means no unsightly rocks holding them down. However, i still have the unsightly rocks in the tank on the left but thats primarily because i...
  8. Ryan12

    All-In-One Planted Tanks

    i did yeast on a 10 gallon so i dont see why it wouldnt work for a 8
  9. Ryan12

    Cuban Delight

    Im really excited to see pics from this! keep us posted! it sounds awesome.
  10. Ryan12

    Baby Black Skirt Tetras!

    Good work Sarah! I know you were trying really hard to get some babies from those tetras. I look forward to seeing pictures once they are big enough to be seen on a camera. As for the food question i'll just let someone else answer that :P
  11. Ryan12

    Tale Of Two Tanks

    Tannins: Also in the last few days i picked up some anubias A little shrimp eating off of some Java Moss And now a real question. So I was in the TFF chat trying to figure out what kinda stocking i should add to the left tank and I was unable to come to a decision. In that tank I have...
  12. Ryan12

    Tale Of Two Tanks

    cool! Thanks for the vid Ian. If i'm not mistaken some of those tanks are George Farmer's right?
  13. Ryan12

    Tale Of Two Tanks

    Thanks for the words of encouragement so far! When I was envisioning what i wanted to do with my predicament (the two tanks right next to each other), I thought the best thing to do was do a piece of driftwood between the two tanks. Ian, I'm a little disappointed to hear that I wasn't the...
  14. Ryan12

    Cherry Shrimp Questions?

    With my cherry shrimp i started covering my filter with nets to stop the baby shrimps from getting sucked up by the filter, but i had problems with suction like you said. However, since the cherry shrimp are so prolific i haven't had problems with not having enough baby cherry shrimp :)
  15. Ryan12

    Tale Of Two Tanks

    Hello all! I've been on the forums for about a year now. I post sometimes on here but i spend most of my time in the chat. One of my favorite sections of the forums to check out regularly is the planted journals, so I got to thinking, why don't I produce a Journal myself? I have two 30...
  16. Ryan12

    How To Eliminate Snails From A Plant Before It Goes Into The Tank...

    I use 5 assassin snails in my tank and they keep the hitchhiker snails in check. Basically so i dont get an infestation, but the assassins dont completely wipe out the other snails.
  17. Ryan12

    Nasty Algae On My Crinum Calamistratum Plant

    Okay great suggestion! One problem though, Im not really sure what would be good to increase the circulation. would something like this be okay? Also where would be a good...
  18. Ryan12

    Nasty Algae On My Crinum Calamistratum Plant

    I should start by saying this plant was most definitely an impulse buy (it was on sale big time). I did ask a few questions to the gentleman in charge of the plants area at my LFS, but he really didn't know a whole lot as to the care of this plant. I did look up some basics about the care for...
  19. Ryan12

    Sleepy Hollow

    Where did you get rocks like that? did you buy them or did you find them?
  20. Ryan12

    Where To Buy Good Quality Plants Online This link is to the resources from the plant section which details a whole bunch of good places to buy from for both UK and USA :)
  21. Ryan12

    Black Backgrounds.

    Since you already have fish in the tank its kinda out of the question, but i was really pleased with how matte spray paint looked. You have to be really careful to get the right kind of spray paint. On my acrylic ten gallon I used Krylon Fusion Spray Paint. On my other tank i have black paper...
  22. Ryan12

    My Attempt (So Far) At El Natural Or Something Similar

    Great Pictures, as usual Mikaila! P.S. I recognize alot of those
  23. Ryan12

    What Are The Best Plants For Planted Tank Starters?

    Dwarf Hygro or hygrophilia polysperma has always been very successful for me. It looks really nice to imo.
  24. Ryan12

    Id Me

    I would agree. They look just like the ones i got.
  25. Ryan12

    What Kind Of Hygrophilia Is This?

    You are a gentlemen and a scholar, Thank you very much!
  26. Ryan12

    What Kind Of Hygrophilia Is This?

    A friend gave this to me when i bought a tank from her. I remember she mentioned it was some kind of Hygrophilia, but i do not recall what kind. Of coarse it could be the case that both of us are mistaken and it is some other kind of plant. In case it helps, it grows VERY slowly. The...
  27. Ryan12

    Mizu+Daxia Spawn Journal!

    I think you'll be a fantastic parent panthera!
  28. Ryan12

    Why Do They Hide?

    have the fish been in there a few months? I know i had this problem with my exclamation point rasboras, a fish of similar size. it took them about a month to butter up to me, now they will play in front of the tank and stuff.
  29. Ryan12

    Tetra Id Please?

    i would also agree, flame tetra.
  30. Ryan12


  31. Ryan12

    Java Fern Plantlets

    As long as its big enough to tie down without harming it, its big enough.
  32. Ryan12

    Staurogyne Repens Information

    Wonderful! thanks! I guess ill now modify my original question, does anyone have any first hand experience with this plant?
  33. Ryan12

    Staurogyne Repens Information

    I saw this plant in an aquascaping video, and i think it would be a perfect addition to my tank, but i need to make sure. If anyone can relay some information about this plant or link me to a place that can that would be wonderful :) Also if anyone has an online store that i could purchase it...
  34. Ryan12

    Sparkling Gourami/green Neon Tetra

    I've heard that when they start to breed they become territorial, not necessarily outright aggressive though.
  35. Ryan12

    Plants Sick?

    Pictures will help alot. Also do you know what kinds of plants they are?
  36. Ryan12

    Attention, Danio Lovers

    I think you are over-reacting just a tad bit. Call me crazy, but you said you like fosters and smith because of "their great customer service, low prices, fast and low cost shipping, and...the variety and quality of the items they sell." By selling this one product you have qualms about, it...
  37. Ryan12

    Assassin Snails

    I saw an interesting youtube video showing an assassin snail eating some kinda rmashorn snail (i was curious) and in the video he had a large group of like 15 or so snails in a pile. He called it a mating colony, so i bet they are getting down and dirty.
  38. Ryan12

    Star Grass Flowering

    Wow that's pretty cool. I should probably try that with my stargrass lol, sounds like its working pretty well for you.
  39. Ryan12

    Exrta Large Planted Tank Contest Video

    Wow! there are some pretty stunning 'scapes in that vid. gave me lots of ideas :shifty:
  40. Ryan12

    Fish Hiding At Back Behind Plants

    I too was having a problem with my fish hiding. I keep boraras urophthalmoides or exclamation point rasboras, they are really tiny and really shy. I've had them for a few weeks now and they are very skittish. I assume the cardinals are skittish as well and are probably fairly new to the tank...