Mizu+Daxia Spawn Journal!


New Member
Nov 16, 2010
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Cleveland, OH
Hey everyone, its Panthera! Some of yall might know me from the chat or the forum, but if not hey ;) (Lol I said yall). Okay well I'm writing this journal because I have decided to spawn my SD Male Adamu, and my new HM Female Daxia, who I've purchased off aquabid. My hope is to have little Adaxia's hatching within a week, but we'll see how that goes.

I've researched for about 2 months now, reading every article I could find, as well as browsing through 512 pages on the TFF betta section, looking at every post that has to do with Breeding/Fry. Anyway I'll let the pictures do the talking, enjoy!

Here is my Male Adamu. He's my first ever betta, and is a little spitfire ;) He's a Super Delta, and has been in the spawning tank for about a week, getting spoiled and getting fed frozen Bloodworms and Hikari Betta bio-gold pellets. Fatty >.>


This is Daxia, my Blue Lace Marble HM female that I received 2 days ago via a breeder on Aquabid. Now I realize she is HUUUUGE, like Big mama house huge, but I think shes amazing so Imma breed them anyway. Note: I didn't know she was that big when I ordered her lol


Okay and here are some pics of my spawning tank. Its a 10 gallon filled halfway with water, heater set to 82* and I have a sponge filter, silk plant and a potted Amazon sword in there.




So what do you think? I know not the best, but I think they will like it :D Adamu certainly does. Here are the pics of the 2 of them. I'm still conditioning them, since I don't plant to spawn them until the 28th, but I show them each other for 20 minutes twice a day. You can really see the size difference lol, I'm surprised Adamu was acting so bold towards her, before he would flare then swim to the back of the plant.






Well they certainly had a fun 20 minutes lol Flaring galore. Hopefully that will get him in the mood to build a bubblenest >.> He's been holding out on me. Okay so I know a lot of people have concerns with new breeders like myself, about what they'll do with the fry, and if they have the proper space to keep them all. Well after they turn 4 weeks I'm going to move the bigger ones to a 20 gal that I have yet to buy, and keep the smaller ones in the original spawning tank. I will also be ordering 25-50 Beanie baby Containers when I realize how big the spawn is, and since I want some HM from them I will do daily 100% to every other day changes. I also plan to sell some on Bettafish.com, or here if there are any people interested. As well as Aquabid :D

I can't wait to breed them, and I know I write a lot. I'm a writer, what can I say? :/ Comments please! And any advice or criticism is welcome. Seeya ;) And make sure to come back on the 28th for any spawning info!
Ok....far more active on the salty side, but I'll definitely be watching this with interest.
She IS HUGE!!! Wow, if Adamu can handle her, he's one tough hombre... :lol: If he can't... Perhaps I know a fish who can... :lol:

Looking forward to seeing what they make. I'm curious. It's an interesting combination.

Thanks Yuma, Mik and lljdma ;)

Send Fugly to me and I can try breeding him with Daxia if Adamu doesn't work out xD Those would be Fuglia's :D
Panth....i like the blue one...lol but really nice tanks, and fish! Ill be watching as well, and quite possibly I might be interested in purchasing some offspring when you get some them to turn on their love machine bakeries! (im interested in females FYI) So good luck!

OH! and why dont you try turning on some mood music for when you put the two together? never hurts to try haha!
Those are some sexy fish...I may have to buy some fry after all! I hope he can wrap her.
Hi Panthera all looks good to me :good:

Hope to follow this with interest, hope everything goes to plan for you I know how much you love your bettas :)

regards scot :)
Thanks Yuma, Mik and lljdma ;)

Send Fugly to me and I can try breeding him with Daxia if Adamu doesn't work out xD Those would be Fuglia's :D

I'll post a picture of Mr. Fugly and you tell me if he's worthy... Can we even say Fugly? I'm not entirely sure... :unsure:

Hopefully, Adamu and Daxia will breed, as the pedegree will be much better. :lol:

Thanks Yuma, Mik and lljdma ;)

Send Fugly to me and I can try breeding him with Daxia if Adamu doesn't work out xD Those would be Fuglia's :D

I'll post a picture of Mr. Fugly and you tell me if he's worthy... Can we even say Fugly? I'm not entirely sure... :unsure:

Hopefully, Adamu and Daxia will breed, as the pedegree will be much better. :lol:

Your the mod lol, you tell me. Okay lemme see if fugly is really fugly, please give him a better name? lol. And I really hope they breed as well, the fry would be too sexy for them not too ;)
Thanks Yuma, Mik and lljdma ;)

Send Fugly to me and I can try breeding him with Daxia if Adamu doesn't work out xD Those would be Fuglia's :D

I'll post a picture of Mr. Fugly and you tell me if he's worthy... Can we even say Fugly? I'm not entirely sure... :unsure:

Hopefully, Adamu and Daxia will breed, as the pedegree will be much better. :lol:

Your the mod lol, you tell me. Okay lemme see if fugly is really fugly, please give him a better name? lol. And I really hope they breed as well, the fry would be too sexy for them not too ;)

:lol: if we couldn't use it, it would have been put in the swear filter by now. I'll have to ask. Yeah, tell me what you think of Fugly. :)
Fugly aint ugly!

Well, compared to Adamu, he is rather ugly. Adamu is very beautiful. I purchased a female yesterday. If Daxia's too big for Adamu, we'll do a wife swap... :lol:

I'll post pictures, let me know what you think. :lol:

Panthera, is the spawn today or tomorrow?


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