Cherry Shrimp Questions?


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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I've got 20 cherry shrimp coming tomorrow. Are they quite delicate? Do I aclimatise in the normal way then just net them and pop them in? Do you specifically pop food in for them or do they get enough scavanging?

Also what are they like to watch, do they swim about at all or just walk along the bottom? They're going in my 60 litre which is fully cycled and established. There is a cave and log to hide in.
I've got 20 cherry shrimp coming tomorrow. Are they quite delicate? Do I aclimatise in the normal way then just net them and pop them in? Do you specifically pop food in for them or do they get enough scavanging?

Also what are they like to watch, do they swim about at all or just walk along the bottom? They're going in my 60 litre which is fully cycled and established. There is a cave and log to hide in.

Sounds like you're good to go! They are very active and great little scavengers, no need to feed them specifically (unless it's a shrimp only tank) as they will find food on their own. They are one of the hardiest of the dwarf shrimp species and as long as you never have ammonia or nitrite, you will be fine. They live for about 2-3 years on average and breed easily. The shrimplets will get sucked up into the filter so if you care about that, then you can attach some fine netting to the intake tube. Just watch for decreased filter flow. The best hiding place for them is in java moss and is a wonderful place for the babies to be born and hide from your other fish. If they seem to be hiding a lot, they may feel intimidated by your other fish.

Have fun with your shrimp!
With my cherry shrimp i started covering my filter with nets to stop the baby shrimps from getting sucked up by the filter, but i had problems with suction like you said. However, since the cherry shrimp are so prolific i haven't had problems with not having enough baby cherry shrimp :)
My Cherry Shrimp that are the lucky ones in their own private little 18L tank have live plants which they are always clambering over as well as half a coconut that they can hide in but usually just clean as well as a tall Greek type pillar ornament near the outlet of the casade filter that is on thier tank. They also have moss which ends up wrapping itself around the filter inlet so most of the babies don't end up doing for a 1 way ride. The Cherry shrimp really do seem to prefer having different heights in their tank to explore and clean and I often see a group of them on top of the pillar directly under the filter inflow. The cherries in this tank are always active and hunting around the tank and aren't even really afraid of my hand if I have to do anything in their tank.

I have some other cherry shrimp in one of my 4ft tanks that has an artifical rock wall that goes half the length of the tank, and those shrimp are almost always on that wall cleaning it. The wall is mostly reddy browns and the shrimp in that tank are a lovely deep red to help blend in. The shrimp in this tank are only increasing slowly as I strongly suspect the male fighter who shares this tank is scoffing the tiny babies.

I am sure you will love your cherry shrimp they are fascinating to watch.
My Cherry Shrimp that are the lucky ones in their own private little 18L tank have live plants which they are always clambering over as well as half a coconut that they can hide in but usually just clean as well as a tall Greek type pillar ornament near the outlet of the casade filter that is on thier tank. They also have moss which ends up wrapping itself around the filter inlet so most of the babies don't end up doing for a 1 way ride. The Cherry shrimp really do seem to prefer having different heights in their tank to explore and clean and I often see a group of them on top of the pillar directly under the filter inflow. The cherries in this tank are always active and hunting around the tank and aren't even really afraid of my hand if I have to do anything in their tank.

I have some other cherry shrimp in one of my 4ft tanks that has an artifical rock wall that goes half the length of the tank, and those shrimp are almost always on that wall cleaning it. The wall is mostly reddy browns and the shrimp in that tank are a lovely deep red to help blend in. The shrimp in this tank are only increasing slowly as I strongly suspect the male fighter who shares this tank is scoffing the tiny babies.

I am sure you will love your cherry shrimp they are fascinating to watch.

Thanks guys I can't wait for them to arrive today now
Can I hijack this thread a little?

I'll be ordering some cherry shrimp in about a month, I wonder, what is their definitive temperature range?

My 15L is running at 21-22.5'C (so low end tropical)

Would shrimp be OK in this?

(also on that note would assassin snails or zebra nerite?)
My dedicated shrimp tank (80ish litres) is set at 22 degrees,and the cherry shrimp are starting to breed,i have at least 8 females all carrying egss under them.

My shrimp are very active and are always swimming around and grazing.

I have lots of plants,real and false and 8 moss balls and loads of java moss,they like hididng in the moss.

I have a Ehiem Bio 160 internal filter with tights stretched over the inlet,I also have an air opertated filter,that will be removed once the Bio 160 is seeded.

Will be using my Biube as a shrimp tank once the new Rio 180 is cycled(soon i hope).

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