What Are The Best Plants For Planted Tank Starters?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
Southampton UK
As the title says really. I'm looking at starting a semi planted tank but just wondered what plants were best to start with. I dont want something thats going to die easily, more so something thats rather hardy.
In this order: Java moss, Anubias spp, Java fern/easy Crypts/Amazon swords, easy Hygrophila spp, Cabomba.
All these plants do well for me (I'm no plant expert and use no special substrate, lights, fertilizer or CO2); vallis, cryptocorynes, Indian fern (also called water wisteria), Java fern and Anubias species (both those last two need to be tied onto wood or rock; they'll die off if you plant them in the substrate).
Elondea densa is another easy one to grow. Although anubias turn up a lot i find them to be a bit of a pain as they are the only place in my tank i seem to get algea.
Dwarf Hygro or hygrophilia polysperma has always been very successful for me. It looks really nice to imo.

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