Cuban Delight


Planted Experimentalist
Apr 2, 2011
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Right, time for a new journal, I just ordered an Arcadia Arc 60 Eclipse, had a look around and after seeing the new lighting units decided with the new spread out lighting I'd give them a go.

Anyway, the plan is to create an island type scape with rocks and some root type wood, maybe Redmoor or Sumatra and make it look like a kind of riverbank/island scape.

JBL Manado
JBL Aquabasis+

Hydor Prime 20 External (comes with inlet and spray bar)

Dragon stone
Sumatra or Redmoor

Fissidens Fontanus
Microsorum pteropus Narrow or Needle
Maybe some Bolbitis

Flourish Excel

24Watt Eclipse

15-20 Micro Rasbora
Tiger Shrimp

I'm planning on giving the substrate a soak before it goes in the tank to make sure there's no ammonia leeching from it.
I'm thinking of putting some foam from one of my current tanks in the filter to get the cycle going but in the past I've always done this and added fish the next day, what do you recommend? After soaking the substrate I was gonna get it planted straight away, add the water and foam from a current filter and add fish a day or so after?

Pic's coming soon as it turns up, got about 12 different things coming in the post lol.

Cryptocoryne parva
Im really excited to see pics from this! keep us posted! it sounds awesome.
I can't wait either, I'll prob be doing hermit duty for next couple weeks waiting for the post, anyone think that's a good idea cycling wise in post one?????
If it's densly planted, that stocking method should be fine. Just be mindful and ready to do waterchanges, which you should be doing in the beginning anyways.

Did you know that HC is actually from Cuba? Would have been interesting if you went all biotope with it and actually tried to create a Cuban stream.

Yeah I know that's why I called it Cuban stream :), wouldn't know which other plants come from Cuba tho so that's the biotope idea out the window lol. It should look kinda stream like with the bank and wood over hanging hopefully. Thanks with the confirmation on cycling tho, always worked before but once you read and read and read on this site sometimes it can worry you lol. Come on postman!!!

Cryptocoryne Beckettii
I'll have a look at that I think :)
20 Mosquito Rasbora ordered today :) so excited, Tuesday I'm ordering the Tiger Shrimp :) HC, Bolbitis, Microsorum, Fissidens and Staurogyne are on the way app they had no Fissidens in stock so that put the order on the slow down but I don't mind as I need the tank and substrate first as I need to soak some of it.
Got myself another Hydor much much cheaper, sending the other one back now lol. On a money saving mission now.
This is going to be good. I love Mosquito Rasboras... Cannot wait!

I hope so, been a while planning, gonna spend a day out just looking for nice wood from the look of it, no where seems to have any. :(
Right guys, we have all deliveries bar one, I'm sitting waiting for the last few bits to turn up then it's scaping time. So excited, love chilling with a huge box of plants, rocks and a new tank. Also picking up an ARC 35 today to move Pogostemon Pastures in to and giving that a re scape too so plenty to do today. Pictures up tonight...........hopefully!!!

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