Hello all! I've been on the forums for about a year now. I post sometimes on here but i spend most of my time in the chat. One of my favorite sections of the forums to check out regularly is the planted journals, so I got to thinking, why don't I produce a Journal myself? I have two 30 gallon tanks (I acquired both throughout my year+ as a fishkeepeer). I thought it would be fairly unique to put the two tanks right next to each other and 'scape them like they were one tank rather than two. It provides me with an interesting challenge, without all the fun of a 60 gallon tank . One of the tanks I had with me down at University and was taken care of for the most part, the other I left at home under the care for my mother and was not taken care of very well. The latter tank I recently took out the gravel and added eco-complete and threw in a couple of plants before i could get a formal re-scaping done. I recently got around to doing the re-scape on my tanks and took some pictures of the process so I thought i would share with you all.
Before the re-scape:
Tank - 2x 30 gallon tanks (i'm pretty sure they're cheapy ones, im not sure as they were second-hand tanks)
Lighting - x 13w 6500K CFL bulbs (total of 1.73 WPG)[Picture Below]
Ferts and CO2 - None
Filtration - Penguin Biowheel 150B (left tank), AquaClear20 and Topfin20 (right tank)
Substrate - Eco-Complete in both
Left tank - Java moss, Subwasertang, Java Fern ("taiwan" moss mixed in),crinum calamistratum, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Hygrophilia Polysperma, Ludwigia palustris, Cryptocoryne wendtii "red" and "green", Anubias barteri var. "nana"(not pictured).
Right tank - Java moss, Java Fern ("taiwan" moss mixed in), Heteranthera zosterifolia, Hygrophilia Polysperma, Ludwigia palustris, Cryptocoryne wendtii "red" and "green", Hygrophila corymbosa 'Kompakt', Anubias barteri var. "nana"(not pictured)
Left tank - 12 Zebra Danios (I bred them ),and some cherry Shrimp
Right tank - 11 Boraras urophthalmoides, 15 corydora habrosus,and 3 Sparkling Gouramis (at least 1 male and 1 female)
For the lighting to make things more clear I took a picture. I followed a friend of mine's guide to making a custom lighting unit.
As for this Journal I would like to learn some things and hopefully get much better as a planted tankwizard hobbyist. That being said I welcome lots of constructive criticisms (I hope someone out there will give me some complements too though lol). Before I leave I wanted to leave some pictures that I took throughout the whole re-scaping process. I know I love to look at pictures of other people's tanks so I hope some of you out there do too.
The right tank after pulling out all the plants (got a little cloudy).
The Plants outside the tank:
Grouping of Java Fern, Ludwiga, and the Crinium
Stargrass, Hygro 'kompact', and dwarf hygro
Subwasertang on some Manzanita wood
Java Moss (and some Taiwan Moss mixed in)
The java ferns split up into more manageable sizes
Drained the tanks
The Staging of the driftwood (collected from my backyard)
Some of the wood with the attached plants
The wood w/ plants attached back in the half-filled tanks (Almost done!)
All done!
Here are some extra pictures i took of the plants.
Some of my danios zippin' about
Before the re-scape:
Tank - 2x 30 gallon tanks (i'm pretty sure they're cheapy ones, im not sure as they were second-hand tanks)
Lighting - x 13w 6500K CFL bulbs (total of 1.73 WPG)[Picture Below]
Ferts and CO2 - None
Filtration - Penguin Biowheel 150B (left tank), AquaClear20 and Topfin20 (right tank)
Substrate - Eco-Complete in both
Left tank - Java moss, Subwasertang, Java Fern ("taiwan" moss mixed in),crinum calamistratum, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Hygrophilia Polysperma, Ludwigia palustris, Cryptocoryne wendtii "red" and "green", Anubias barteri var. "nana"(not pictured).
Right tank - Java moss, Java Fern ("taiwan" moss mixed in), Heteranthera zosterifolia, Hygrophilia Polysperma, Ludwigia palustris, Cryptocoryne wendtii "red" and "green", Hygrophila corymbosa 'Kompakt', Anubias barteri var. "nana"(not pictured)
Left tank - 12 Zebra Danios (I bred them ),and some cherry Shrimp
Right tank - 11 Boraras urophthalmoides, 15 corydora habrosus,and 3 Sparkling Gouramis (at least 1 male and 1 female)
For the lighting to make things more clear I took a picture. I followed a friend of mine's guide to making a custom lighting unit.
As for this Journal I would like to learn some things and hopefully get much better as a planted tank
The right tank after pulling out all the plants (got a little cloudy).
The Plants outside the tank:
Grouping of Java Fern, Ludwiga, and the Crinium
Stargrass, Hygro 'kompact', and dwarf hygro
Subwasertang on some Manzanita wood
Java Moss (and some Taiwan Moss mixed in)
The java ferns split up into more manageable sizes
Drained the tanks
The Staging of the driftwood (collected from my backyard)
Some of the wood with the attached plants
The wood w/ plants attached back in the half-filled tanks (Almost done!)
All done!
Here are some extra pictures i took of the plants.
Some of my danios zippin' about