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  1. C

    4 Female Bettas For Sale

    Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: 4 female bettas Age and condition: not sure how old. healthy Quantity for sale: 4 Reason for Sale: i bought them for £3.50 each from a friend who needed rid. she said as they were female and there were 4, they would do fine in my...
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    the little guy died :( don't know what happened. looked over at the tank this afternoon and he was just lying on the bottom. can't think what happened? had been feeding frozen bloodworm and also crushed flakes (holding them under water a second before letting go so that they would sink) i wish...
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    am i allowed to say? mod can just remove it if im not. firthfields pet shop northwich cheshire he's about 2 inches in size. they have about 10 of them in, so if anyone lives near there.....
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    i wish this was like facebook where i could like a comment lol. coz i would like that one :D i am the master of cunning :sly: :sly: :sly: (thats a reference from 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps - just in case you dont get it and think im a freak :D_
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    ace :D even better hehe. i shall wait until AFTER i have bought his friends to inform them that what they have is hillstream loaches not coldwater plecs - they shouldn't have to be told though, shame on them lol. betcha i get there the week after i tell them and the price will have shot up ;)
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    thanks guys he's cute :) guess i have to go out and buy him some friends now lol. online it says he will do better in a group of 3 - 7 sure the pet shop will enjoy that, took them long enough just to catch this little fella :D he only cost £2.38 thats cheap right? considering that they aren't...
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    sorry i took so long. he decided that since i was trying for a picture, he'd stay away from the front of the tank lol.. now that i've looked again and properly, i think that you were right and he is a hillstream loach. he has the butterfly thing going on lol. pictures arent very clear
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    Cold Water Pleco?

    shall get a picture later today. he is hiding from me at the moment lol. soon as my son is in bed and the fish comes out i shall get snapping :D after its been figured out if he is a loach or a plec. if he is a plec and he wont thrive in the cold, can i put him in his own tank and slowly heat...
  9. C

    Cold Water Pleco?

    cool, am glad he will be ok for a while :) i say he, but who knows, could be a she and im giving her a complex ;) i shall try and get a picture again when he decides to come out again - im surprised how much he is out to be honest. he is visible a lot of the time, just he is usually stuck to...
  10. C

    Cold Water Pleco?

    googled "baby common plec" and looks like that's what he is. poopers :S lol is there a way to acclimatise him and move him to the tropical tank in the meantime? just that the tropical tank is near enough 4ft so would be better until i can get a tank big enough for him with xmas just been, a...
  11. C

    Cold Water Pleco?

    hmm, have just google imaged and i dont think he is a hillstream loach. could be (and probably am) wrong though. he doesnt look like he has any yellow on him and he doesnt really have any spotty bits either. he is a dull brown colour with some black on him. not patches, or spots. not really...
  12. C

    Cold Water Pleco?

    thanks everyone :) its a pet shop, so i guess it's to be expected. i asked if there was anyone who knew but there wasn't. it annoyed me to be honest, i mean, if they are selling something, they should know what it is that they are selling!!! i probably shouldn't have bought him, with not...
  13. C

    Cold Water Pleco?

    hi all i went to my local pet shop 2 weeks ago and saw labelled in with the goldfish "cold water pleco" i asked about them and what they were and was told "just a pleco love" i asked what type of pleco and they said "a pleco is a pleco" i have googled and googled and all sources seem to say...
  14. C

    My Tanks

    im so jealous. my friend got rid of an 8 foot tank a few years backsheoffered it to me for nothing but i said no. that was before i liked fish tho. now i wish i'd taken it LOL
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    Aequidens Diadema

    im sure SHE will be very happy with you heh heh ;)
  16. C

    My New 48L Tank.

    it's always so awful when you get bad advice from the LFS :( it happened to me too, you aren't the only one! i saw someone else suggest on someone else's post, to keep the kids entertained and into the idea, get a nice colourful fish book and let them have a look at the pictures of the fish...
  17. C

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    upload to photobucket then copy and paste the IMG code for us to see :)
  18. C

    Is My Red Platy Pregnant?any Help Plz

    you never know, you might find one hiding in some plants in a couple of days! i had no idea that one of my guppies dropped until i randomly saw a fry in one of my plants :)
  19. C

    New Gouramis Today

    it depends though fishnovice. because if the op has just finished a fishless cycle and added the fish, then there won't be a problem. the whole point of a fishless cycle is to cycle the tank at maximum stocking level. this means that adding 8 fish won't do any harm. of course, if it hasn't...
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    Labyrinth Fish In A Fluval Edge?

    The problem with the fish store, is, as stated above, they are out to make money. Goramie in a tank that small is asking for lots of trouble. There is a great section on here with profiles of fish, take a look at the information for dwarf gouramie and you will see what I mean. They need a...
  21. C

    Labyrinth Fish In A Fluval Edge?

    i just don't think that labyrinth fish are a good idea for the edge. it wasn't designed with those types of fish in mind. bettas and gouramies would struggle to find space to breathe the surface area is far too small. i also agree with thr above, bettas and gouramies shouldnt be mixed...
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    My New 48L Tank.

    if you aren't changing water, then you're fish are being damaged. it's fine to fish-in cycle - as long as you do it properly. properly means being committed to doing large water changes several times a day. so you haven't changed the water at all yet? you need to do a 90% water change now...
  23. C

    All My Fish Are Dying

    I may be using the term LFS loosely. It's a local pet shop who happen to sell fish. I trust them, because I went to school with the guy who runs it, but doubt that they would be able to tell me what was wrong. the fish are always healthy and all animals are always well taken care of. The store...
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    Capital Letters

    oooch, i hate bad grammar. i get annoyed sometimes, the keys on my keyboard stick, so sometimes i miss letters out. when i post and see i've written by instead of buy, i get soooo annoyed. because i know my grammar and hate people thinking i dont LOL
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    All My Fish Are Dying

    about 2 months. i change 30% water every 2/3 days (discussed in another thread, didnt know about fishless cycle til it was too late)
  26. C

    All My Fish Are Dying

    Ok, i think i need a bit of help and a bit of luck. So far I have lost 1 guppy and 4 platies. The platies were added on monday last week. I don't have my own test kit (but will definitely invest in one at the beginning of next month, i just dont have the money right now) I got my water...
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    This Will Sound A Stupid Question..........

    how are the fish today? did tehy make it?
  28. C

    Can A Pregnant Sunset Platty Stay In A Breeding Trap With Just Over 1

    how are the fry? and the remaining guppy?
  29. C

    Rather Pleasant Surprise When I Got Home Today :d

    thanks mrs cullen, i will look at those links now :) i've had to fight my urges not to scoop them up and raise them lol i really want to, but if i start doing it now, i won't be able to stop haha. thanks OM47, probably just wishful thinking on my part :D lol
  30. C

    Got Another Fish Id Guys..........!

    lmfao :lol: :lol: :lol:
  31. C

    Got Another Fish Id Guys..........!

    the one you found is a much prettier (oops, you're men, i mean, handsomer :D) fish than that one if he'd fit in you should totally buy him!
  32. C

    Got Another Fish Id Guys..........!

    damnit change of plans my stupid phone wouldn't connect without the cd i took pictures with my camera but they are really blurry uploaded anyway really sorry matt, i tried :( man, the pictures get worse with size :( i shoudnt have said id help if i didnt know for sure i could :-(
  33. C

    Got Another Fish Id Guys..........!

    no worries :)
  34. C

    Got Another Fish Id Guys..........!

    i'll pm you my number and upload the picture from my phone for you :)
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    Power Cut!

    LMAO! gas!!!! i never thought of that man im so thick :d:D
  36. C

    Power Cut!

    sorry, i have nothing to add, but im curious - if you had no power, how did you get hot water? simple answer i guess, but im a bit thick :P
  37. C

    I Had To Euthanise A Fish Today..

    you would think they would have given him to you for free. mean store :angry:
  38. C

    Rather Pleasant Surprise When I Got Home Today :d

    here's my platy, i think she's pregnant, but in fairness, she could just be fat :lol: and here's one of my iddy biddy fry. look at his cute little googly eyes :P just looked again, he looks like a sperm LOL ;)
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    Babies...... How To Catch Them?

    how are all your little fry doing now? got any pictures? :d:D:D one of my guppies dropped today woohoo lol
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    Stocking A 48 Gallon

    okies, when it comes to the time when i am ready to add more fish, i will come back and just check to make sure i am doing everything right. kitty kat i will go at the weekend and get my water checked. the store near me i know wont do that, but theres one a bit further away that will, i just...