I Had To Euthanise A Fish Today..

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u mind if i ask hoq the oil works?

Of course,
I'll happily share any details if they better someone else.

The oil works basically as an anasthetic, puts the fish to sleep gently. An overdose will put them into a sleep they wont wake up from.
u mind if i ask hoq the oil works?

Of course,
I'll happily share any details if they better someone else.

The oil works basically as an anasthetic, puts the fish to sleep gently. An overdose will put them into a sleep they wont wake up from.
Well done for saving that poor fish from further sufffering.
You should name and shame the store.Tell everyone about the condition of their stock and their uncaring attitude, It's disgraceful they actually charged you for a dying fish.
When you have calmed down and got over your sad experience, it would be worth having a word with the manager. If thye ar ea chain stor, threathening to raise a fuss with head office often works wonders
Grow a pair its a fish it died move on millions of other animals die everyday, I have killed around 5 mosquitoes in the last 20 mins. I am not saying what you did was wrong I think it was honourable and correct but being reduced to tears over it is another matter.

I have euthanised loads of fish because of bad spearfishing in the areas I have worked, the insides are literally ripped out of wrasse and other less desirable species as people shoot spears at the large barracuda and tuna or other desirable species. As a result I get my dive knife out and slice its spine and if possible its head to ensure its death as opposed to twitching on the sea floor.
Saltynay, I don't think it's really nessascary to flame Vegavic in a moment of suffering-- a fish may be just a fish, but it still defintly something you should cry over. A human is no greater then a fish-- anything that dies should be mourned in some way. So please, don't flame VegaVic in that way.
VegaVic, that's such a sad story... you really did something honurable. I hope you realise that you did a very good thing there, finally putting that little goldfish at peace. :look: If the world had more people like you, it would be a better place :sad:


I cried when I lost my Oscar. He was such a personable fish, and I had grown quite attached to him over the years. There is no shame in having so much compassion. You should be commended for what you did, and others hopefully will learn from this kind act. Every life is sacred. The Native Americans used to have a ritual they would perform for every animal they killed for food. Only if we did the same.
Particular reason you decided to chime in and attack me?
Nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

I am not attacking I just find it bewildering why you would feel the need to share the story. Are you a vegan? Do you mourn and cry for the death of the chicken that has been placed on your plate?

I'm sorry you had to do that, but good on you for helping the poor little thing :-(

And since when did caring about the welfare of an animal mean that you "have to grow a pair". It's called being compassionate, and I would hope that most people would be upset to some degree about having to end a life.

I believe in compassion and nature shows that the more intelligent animals will mourn the death of others of the same species. If you mourn the death of a single little fish, why are you not mourning the death every second of everyday for every other animal that dies on this earth and celebrating the birth of a thousand others that are born?
I believe in compassion and nature shows that the more intelligent animals will mourn the death of others of the same species. If you mourn the death of a single little fish, why are you not mourning the death every second of everyday for every other animal that dies on this earth and celebrating the birth of a thousand others that are born?

So, saying this, you would not mourn the loss of your family dog? Mourning the loss of a life that has affected you can be important.
This is a fish fresh from the store no emotional attachment grown through history together.
This is a fish fresh from the store no emotional attachment grown through history together.

you dont need emotional attachment as long as it affects your life in some form or another i used to work in a warehouse near a pets at home a rat escaped from pets at home we found it with a broken leg in pain outside our warehouse

we put it in a box with shredded paper some water and a chocie biscuit rang the rspca someone had to come down they said put it down it would cost thousands for surgery and small animals are prone to dying under anesthetic

i was gutted! i had to walk off and have a sob n all lol btw i do have pet rats so if anyone says that all rats are vermin i wont be happy :D

This is a fish fresh from the store no emotional attachment grown through history together.

Right, now I'm more in control of my emotions, I think I'll step back in here.

"The Native Americans used to have a ritual they would perform for every animal they killed for food. Only if we did the same. "
I have often thought this, and there is some evidence now that our particular species of human was became dominant due to our cooperation with dogs (wild wolves back then) in order to hunt. I truly wish we were still of that mind and not the planet destroying scum of a race we are today, obviously some are excluded from that, but the majority of humans make me sick.

[font="arial]"I am not attacking I just find it bewildering why you would feel the need to share the story. Are you a vegan? Do you mourn and cry for the death of the chicken that has been placed on your plate? "[/font][/font][/b][/size][/color]

I originally said, right there in the first post, I don't know why I posted it. I suppose in a way I used this forum as an emotional outlet and a way to express my mourning for such a dear little fish. Am I vegan? No, I don't see what this has to do with this conversation apart from perhaps providing you with another bullet to shoot at someone.
Would I be a vegan if I could? In a heartbeat, but I enjoy meats too much. It's true the majority of my diet is already fruits and salad, but I can never turn down a bucket of KFC.

"I believe in compassion and nature shows that the more intelligent animals will mourn the death of others of the same species. If you mourn the death of a single little fish, why are you not mourning the death every second of everyday for every other animal that dies on this earth and celebrating the birth of a thousand others that are born?"
I believe in natural selection as well, only the strongest will survive. There was no way this little Ryu would survive, so there was no way I was going to let him suffer.
I suppose in a way, I do mourn the majority of domestic animals we keep as pets. Battery farming is the absolute pinnacle of my hatred and I am a popular and out-spoken fighter against it. I don't celebrate their birth as they're being born into a life of domestication, and there's nothing to celebrate about that. If humans were made pets, all hell would break loose, but it's fine to keep hamsters in a small cage, 1/1000th of the size of their natural habitat. It's fine to keep fish in 1/1000th of their natural habitat but lock 33 Chilean miners down a hole with an xbox and the police launch an investigation into you.

[font="arial][b]"This is a fish fresh from the store no emotional attachment grown through history together. "[/b][/font][/size][/color][/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="3"]And how would you define history? Weeks? Months? Seconds to me, micro seconds even. How can you possibly say there was no emotional history as I bought him to euthanise him, the car ride home was emotional history, him looking at me as I put the oil in, was emotional history. How dare you say there was no emotional history. Everything I did with him was emotional history. You could say he is now emotional history, but that borders on the crass.


[font="arial][size="3"]"Food affects your life it sustains you my point still stands are you vegan?"
[font="arial][size="3"]Yes food sustains us, I don't see what this has to do with euthanisation and goldfish.[/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="3"] [/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="3"]My original point still stands, if you have nothing to say, kindly stay out of this topic. I'm sure there's someone else on the internet you could bully for no reason.[/size][/font]

[font="arial] [/font]
Grow a pair its a fish it died move on millions of other animals die everyday, I have killed around 5 mosquitoes in the last 20 mins. I am not saying what you did was wrong I think it was honourable and correct but being reduced to tears over it is another matter.

I have euthanised loads of fish because of bad spearfishing in the areas I have worked, the insides are literally ripped out of wrasse and other less desirable species as people shoot spears at the large barracuda and tuna or other desirable species. As a result I get my dive knife out and slice its spine and if possible its head to ensure its death as opposed to twitching on the sea floor.

Particular reason you decided to chime in and attack me?
Nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

I don't see it as an attack. simply a different, and quite valid, point of view.
to me, the attack is from you. questioning saltyny's right, to air his views.
Grow a pair its a fish it died move on millions of other animals die everyday, I have killed around 5 mosquitoes in the last 20 mins. I am not saying what you did was wrong I think it was honourable and correct but being reduced to tears over it is another matter.

I have euthanised loads of fish because of bad spearfishing in the areas I have worked, the insides are literally ripped out of wrasse and other less desirable species as people shoot spears at the large barracuda and tuna or other desirable species. As a result I get my dive knife out and slice its spine and if possible its head to ensure its death as opposed to twitching on the sea floor.

Particular reason you decided to chime in and attack me?
Nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

I don't see it as an attack. simply a different, and quite valid, point of view.
to me, the attack is from you. questioning saltyny's right, to air his views.

There is nothing wrong with the point made, as you'll see I have not said anything about his logic.
Quite simply the language he used to express his point is offensive. "Grow a pair" for example.
It is an attack as he is basically saying he agrees with what I did, but doesn't agree with how I coped with it.
He's entitled to his opinion, but if he can't express them in a polite and respectful manner like everyone else does, I don't wish to hear it.
Grow a pair its a fish it died move on millions of other animals die everyday, I have killed around 5 mosquitoes in the last 20 mins. I am not saying what you did was wrong I think it was honourable and correct but being reduced to tears over it is another matter.

I have euthanised loads of fish because of bad spearfishing in the areas I have worked, the insides are literally ripped out of wrasse and other less desirable species as people shoot spears at the large barracuda and tuna or other desirable species. As a result I get my dive knife out and slice its spine and if possible its head to ensure its death as opposed to twitching on the sea floor.

Particular reason you decided to chime in and attack me?
Nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

I don't see it as an attack. simply a different, and quite valid, point of view.
to me, the attack is from you. questioning saltyny's right, to air his views.

There is nothing wrong with the point made, as you'll see I have not said anything about his logic.
Quite simply the language he used to express his point is offensive. "Grow a pair" for example.
It is an attack as he is basically saying he agrees with what I did, but doesn't agree with how I coped with it.
He's entitled to his opinion, but if he can't express them in a polite and respectful manner like everyone else does, I don't wish to hear it.

oh, i see. if you dont like what people say, hoverer relevant, you ignore it. does not make saltynay's comments an attack. just that you are unprepared to accept it.
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