Is My Guppy Pregnant?


New Member
Oct 6, 2010
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Hi was just wondering if my guppy is expecting, i have never kept them before and thought that gravid spots are normally very dark in colour but one of my guppies has an orangey red spot on her rear both sides.
If someone could help me out I would be very grateful

If your female has been in the same tank as a male, sometime in the past 6 months, she is most likely expecting.


Pics are a bit small but that appears to be a male IMO. Does the fish have a gonopodium ? If so, it is indeed a male. The female's anal fin will be rounder, more fan-like.
Hi, she is definitely a she the anal fin is fan shaped but is very pale in colour so hard to see on pic, I will try and upload a larger pic
Thanks for the responses :)
Again hard from the pics but the top one does look to me like she maybe pregers!!!...but the bottom pic also looks like a male if u get me... :rolleyes: ill have a better look when u can do bigger pics image shack is where i do my pics then go direct lead and copy into thread!!!
As no spice has said, your best bet is to upload your picture to a place like photobucket. I happen to use them myself and can attest that posting an IMG link in this forum as if it was simply text will result in your picture being seen here. This is a picture of a harbor seal juvenile that I found on the beaches of Oregon. It really does not exist here, but is a picture using a photobucket IMG link.

Please get back to us on your pregnant female guppy. We really do care how things work out for you.

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