Labyrinth Fish In A Fluval Edge?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2010
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Hi all,

I've just started to think about stocking up my Fluval Edge, and was wondering about putting Labyrinth Fish in it? I've read somewhere that because of the little surface area this tank has it's not a good idea?
However I've kind of got my heart set on getting a couple of Dwarf Gourami's and a Betta Splenden for it.

Would anyone advise against this? and if so is there a way of increasing the amount of oxygen in the water of these tanks? I'm thinking of just dropping the water level so there's a bit more surface area for them.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yep if you drop the water levels a bit, labyrinth fish should be OK.
However I strongly advise you NOT to keep Bettas with Dwarf Gouramis (or any gouramis) because they will only fight.
Also, I think the Fluval Edge (23l) is too small for 1 Dwarf Gourami.

What do you plan to stock the tank with? ;)
dropping the water level will make the tank look quite bad as you will get lots of condensation build up on the tp sheet of glass. not the effect the edge was designed for. i also dont think gouramis and bettas are good fish to stock in these tanks especially together.
i just don't think that labyrinth fish are a good idea for the edge.
it wasn't designed with those types of fish in mind.
bettas and gouramies would struggle to find space to breathe
the surface area is far too small.

i also agree with thr above, bettas and gouramies shouldnt be mixed, especially in a tank that small.
tankmates for a betta should be careflly selected, as bettas are naturally agressive.

bottom dwellers like pygmy cories are a better mix with a betta, but you still have a problem in that they need to be kept in schools of 6 and the fluval edge just doesn't have the room for them.

have you thought of maybe a school of 8 galaxy rasbora and some shrimp?
I have a fluvl edge and i have a dwarf gourami in it with a few other fish and he seems happy he covers most of the tank and spends most of his time mid height i have plenty of plants and some bogwood with moss on it so he has places to hide etc.hes been in there for about a month now and no problems yet
I have a fluvl edge and i have a dwarf gourami in it with a few other fish and he seems happy he covers most of the tank and spends most of his time mid height i have plenty of plants and some bogwood with moss on it so he has places to hide etc.hes been in there for about a month now and no problems yet
but i bet it doesnt take him long to cover the tank......
No he probably gets bored after 3000 laps a day,lol he seems happy not that he could tell me otherwise i guess
Had a chat with a guy from the LFS and he said a couple of dwarf gourami's should be fine, if they don't mix with betta's then I'll prob just stick with the gourami's and drop the water level of the tank a bit.

Anyone got any good suggestions for bottom dwellers? was thinking of getting a couple of khuli loaches?!
you have been given some good advice in the above posts. I would take it, as you'll end up with dead fish. You need to be looking at micro fish in an edge. You can get a shoal of micro boras and a few pygmy corys in an edge and that'll be maxed out.
you have been given some good advice in the above posts. I would take it, as you'll end up with dead fish. You need to be looking at micro fish in an edge. You can get a shoal of micro boras and a few pygmy corys in an edge and that'll be maxed out.
I saw one of these tanks with a colony of endlers and a betta, who ate all the fry and kept numbers down. They all seemed OK with lots of live plants but I'm no betta expert
The thing you've got to remember with LFS (I'm not saying that every single one is guilty of doing this), but they will give you advice which will make them as much money as possible. The advice given on here is fantastic, and personally I would take advice from the TFF members of any LFS any day.
The problem with the fish store, is, as stated above, they are out to make money.

Goramie in a tank that small is asking for lots of trouble.
There is a great section on here with profiles of fish, take a look at the information for dwarf gouramie and you will see what I mean. They need a bigger tank with more surface area to breathe from

They need to be in a much bigger tank.
They will not thrive in a tank that small - remember, surviving is not thriving.

Kuhli loaches are also a no-no. They grow to about 4" each and also need to be kept in groups of at least 6 (ideally 8) again, there is no room for that many fish in the fluval edge.

Please rethink your stocking and look into the micro species of fish. There are so many out there - so many different species of tetras to look at. There are zebra danios. So many little fish that would be happy in that tank.
Thanks for all the advice, and I do agree with you that most LFS's are just out to make money, I've had a much bigger tank before when I was younger and experienced this first hand.

I kind of get the impression that the one I've found though isn't like that, one of my friends uses them for fish and they've had so many opportunities to flog him stuff but instead have just generally been honest about it all. Find them to be very helpful tbh but will take all the advice here as well. The more sources of information the better!

Very much like the look of rummy-nose tetra's, and rasboras. However just realised I have a bit of a snail issue, looks like there are literally hundreds of the tiny buggers and a few bigger ones... any easy way of getting rid instead of hand picking/siphoning them out?
the tanks too small for rummynose tetras. they get to about 2.5 inches and are very very active. they wont be happy in the edge :no: you really are limited to micro fish, shrimp, maybe guppys in a tank this small. green neon tetras might be an option or ember tetras as well but its desidn is for looks rather than practicality im affraid.
Not a fish with a hardy reputation, but the Ornate Bushfish (Microctenopoma ansorgii) might work in a Fluval Edge.

Edit: Scrap that suggestion, I incorrectly thought they stayed quite small, but apparently they can reach 8cm, gorgeous fish though (for a bushfish) when coloured up.

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