Rather Pleasant Surprise When I Got Home Today :d


Fish Fanatic
Oct 8, 2010
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Had a rather exciting surprise in my tank this afternoon!

I had thought that my pregnant guppy and pregnant platy had a few weeks left before their first fry drop.

Today however I found 2 little fry swimming in the plants.

I am assuming that they are guppies, because they do look like guppy fry but I wouldn't know the difference lol.

How exciting. I was hoping that one or 2 would manage to survive until I saw them, but didn't really expect it.

Lets hope they both manage to avoid being eaten :D

and i know, not really a big deal, but these are my first fry, so it's exciting for me!
You can check which ones they are by seeing which female is considerably smaller :) Congrats on the first fry! Good luck with all the ones to come.. you never know, some fish just can't be bothered to chase after the fry, so they may very well survive.
You should seperate them, Im waiting for my fish to give birth to im going to put mine in a breeding trap until they are big enough, i dont want them to get eaten :eek: good luck :)
thanks guys :)
kitty kat none of them looked particularly big, that's why i thought i wasn't going to see anything for a while. just had a look to see and i'd say it's one of the guppies, none look particularly smaller, but the platy didn't really look big enough to have been ready to drop yet lol.
(i've got 5 female guppies, 4 had gravid spots and little pot bellies. there are still 4 females with pot bellies and gravid spots, so im clueless :D)

mr morning glory (LOL at the name :D) thanks and good luck with your fry too :)
im not going to separate mine, just gonna wait and see what happens. guppies give birth a lot, so i'm not going to rush in and try to save fry. whilst i would love to, and now that i've seen them, i don't want them eaten, im just gonna let nature take it's course :) otherwise i'll just end up overrun with fry if i try to save them all lol

cheers biffster :D

yay :lol:
chilli-spice, or be your LFSs new supplier, which is what I was doing when I first started keeping tropicals ;) Must be something special with the weather today, noticed a fair few people posting about new fish and came home myself to 200 Keyhole eggs, and I thought they were getting too old for this stuff!
Congrats guys!! iv decided my platy is just having a phantom pregnancy, been just as fat with huge gravid spots and yet 3 weeks later nothing lol! frustrating as hell ha! nice one tho on your lots little arrivals!
aw how nice kitty kat, that's awesome :D hope they all hatch for you :D

i had thought about it and i could ask them but im quite shy with stuff like that hehe. i wouldn't know how to ask! might have a friend ring them from my phone and ask, then if they say no, i wont have to be embarrassed :D

lolol maxwell. i was getting jealous seeing all the posts about new fry too coz i thought i had ages to wait.
they'll arrive before you know it!
here's my platy, i think she's pregnant, but in fairness, she could just be fat :lol:

and here's one of my iddy biddy fry.
look at his cute little googly eyes :p


just looked again, he looks like a sperm LOL ;)
here's my platy, i think she's pregnant, but in fairness, she could just be fat :lol:

and here's one of my iddy biddy fry.
look at his cute little googly eyes :p


just looked again, he looks like a sperm LOL ;)

heyy congratulations! i remember i was completely over the MOON when i discovered my first set of fry, i spent literally hours trying to scoop them out of the tank. unfortunatly i had a big load of guppys and platys together as my first tank, and once they started breeding they never stopped. Still i was so committed, i caught atleast 10-15 from every batch and i raised them as much as i could.
I soon realised i should stop trying to save them and sadly (which i hated to do) leave them in the tank to be eaten, when after only a month i had over 95 guppy fry and about 30 platy fry. Yeah alot!
I am happy to say that all the platys and all but 15 of the guppy fry survived and i sold them to my lfs for store credit. Anyway . . . .

After the many many many times my platies and guppy have bred i can tell you that is 150% a guppy fry.

All the guppy fry i have ever had were very pale/grey colour and even at one minute old they have a much longer tail than platy fry.

Although the guppy fry may have a slight yellow sheen to them,
with the platy fry they are usually a bright yellow or bright orange or similar. They have quite short tails.

So yes that is DEFINITELY a guppy fry

Here are some links to a picture of some platy fry and some guppy fry so you can tell the difference in the future:
Platy fry - http://www.brettb.com/images/Platy_Fry2.jpg
Guppy fry - http://www.liveaquaria.com/images/articles/a_newborn_34815P_003.jpg
(the second picture is of some more mature babies)

I really hope this helps! Please feel free to pm me if you ever need anything else (especially if its about raising platy or guppy fry!) :) x x x
I really don't think that female is carrying fry, or she is not very far along if she is carrying CS. It is hard to tell from above but that does look like a guppy fry in the picture.
thanks mrs cullen, i will look at those links now :)
i've had to fight my urges not to scoop them up and raise them lol
i really want to, but if i start doing it now, i won't be able to stop haha.

thanks OM47, probably just wishful thinking on my part :D lol

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