New Gouramis Today

LilyRose Tank

Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2009
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hello there, I have bought dwarf guorami today and have taken a video of them
please correct me but they are neon blue x2, red dwarf x2, honey red dwarf x2, honey dwarf x2
there are also a bolivian ram and a gold ram in there too
hello there, I have bought dwarf guorami today and have taken a video of them
please correct me but they are neon blue x2, red dwarf x2, honey red dwarf x2, honey dwarf x2
there are also a bolivian ram and a gold ram in there too
Lovely fish BUT
I hope you haven't added all these new fish to the same tank at once or else the filter won't cope and you will have ammonia spike. If you did add lots of fish at the same time then treat it as a fish-in cycling tank -test ammonia and nitrite daily and do lots of frequent water changes (4-7 times/week depending on ammonia levels) until the filter bacteria multiply and filter can cope with new bioload.
it depends though fishnovice.
because if the op has just finished a fishless cycle and added the fish, then there won't be a problem.

the whole point of a fishless cycle is to cycle the tank at maximum stocking level.
this means that adding 8 fish won't do any harm.

of course, if it hasn't been fishless cycled, then that's different ;)
Hi guys, it has been fishless cycled, and on weekly testing is 0,0,10 before 50% waterchange, thanks for your concern for the fish, all the same xxx
Beautiful fish!! :good: Really like how you set up the tank. The Bolivian should color up nicely once it gets comfortable in the tank. Amazing how much they can change from the white/black to gold/red. Those Guoramis look great.

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