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  1. S

    Fish Pics Taken Today

    First up we have the small Bristlenose Plec who I think may be female: Now the larger darker coloured one who looks like a male: My Betta "Dave" HaroldSchultz Cories: That's it for now :tongue:
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    How long after treatment

    The blue shouldnt take too long to go away. In my 39 gallon it takes about a day to clear completely. Be aware though, sand, ornaments, airlines, plants etc may now have a blue tinge to them!
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    Exactly my thought.
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    Corydora temperament

    They're all pretty peacefull as far as I am aware. I have three different types and they're all good community and friendly fish.
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    I want clown loaches!!!

    I thought that loaches get to about 12" in an aquarium? If so then they'll hardly be able to turn around in there.
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    Male Platty

    Hi there. I currently have 5 plattys in a community tank. I have 4 females and 1 male. The two female rainbow Plattys were born in my tank as was the male Mickey Mouse Platty. The male is about 2 months younger than the other two and they were born from different mothers :wub: I never...
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    pics of my fish

    Good pics. Those Platties sure are fast when you want them to stand still arent they?
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    Do you buy fish equipment (or fish) online?

    I mainly use Aquatics Online although I did order a new filter from another website not long ago but I can't remember what it was called :*)
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    daughters birthday

    Hey chish, looks like the little un sure enjoyed herself! Arent you the proud Daddy???
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    Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    Lovely fish :wub: :rofl: :rofl: space, nice one.
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    Martha puffed!!!

    Absolutely amazing :flex:
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    new fish, ID info needed

    Unlike you to buy fish without rearching them Wolf -_-
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    seems a little unfair

    Awwwww hun! No fair! Well when your Dad gets a new chair can you nick his? At least it has a back on it???
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    new hair color thanks to sun :)

    heehee I love it, then again, I would do :D
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    Oh yeah, right. Like anyone will belive this....

    Well, I won and I sent the cheque off the week before last. Not sure if it's cleared yet cos I've not checked my bank balance :dunno: Hopefully I should receive the golden tips this week, I'll scan them in so you can all learn from them :rofl:
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    A couple of new pics

    Oh yeah, I never thought of that! :unsure:
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    A couple of new pics

    :lol: thanks Rain. I didnt want one of those shint ceramic ones or the ones that are flouroescent colours. This one seems just right. No, he doesnt seem stressed at all. He mainly stays down one end of the tank :nod:
  18. S

    A couple of new pics

    I have the betta, 2 bristlenose plecs, 5 glolight tetras, 5 golden barbs, 5 corys (Matea, Adolphi and HaroldSchultzi) and 6 Plattys. Oh an 2 Amano Shrimp (how could I forget them :dunno: ) Thanks for all the comments guys!
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    A couple of new pics

    Pics of the tank I set up a few months back (sorry for the reflections and fuzzyness :/ )
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    My other munchkins

    :wub: What a gorgeous pup :*
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    What a lovely pussy! :wub:
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    lady grandma

    YAY kittens :wub: Congrats Grandma tanks!
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    A yoyo an angel a clown, tigers & bats

    *Sunflower os on her way over to steal the barbs, oh, and the tank!* Great pics Paul. Loooooooooooove the barbs :wub:
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    A Sump

    Hey Mario, isnt it you who's doing the archway tank with jellyfish?
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    which aquaball eheim do i have ?

    I agree. The beauty of the Eheim Aquaball (I just got one) is that with them being extendable, the pads will all be the same size.
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    platies look like ich! help with treatment ---

    Can you actually see the white spots? I'm not convinced it is ich you're suffering with. If you are cycling with fish, could they just be stressed out by the ammonia spikes etc? Fish flick against ornaments and substrate when something is irritating them and odd swimming is not a symtom of...
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    Will my water pass the lfs's tests?

    Have you been adding ammonia? When I set up my first tank the lfs gave me loads of crap advice, told me just to run the tank for a few weeks, didnt need to add anything (eg: fish or ammonia etc). After 2 weeks they told me my water was perfect and sold me 8 Plattys. Needless to say: 1. The...
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    Want Platys

    I had 8 female plattys as my first fish. 2 of them must have been impregnated at some point because they had fry. Luckily there were only 3 fry in total, probably was more but I wasnt expecting them and only found the fry when they were looking right at me from inside a plant. Anyway, because...
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    bottom feeders

    I have some Amano shrimp, they clear my plants and ornaments of algea! My Plattys dont bother with the algae that much.
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    bottom feeders

    Just a thought, make sure you research whatever you decide to buy as some cats and plecs can grow quite big and therefore need alot of room.
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    bottom feeders

    Well there's no rule saying that you have to have bottom feeders. I mainly got my cories because I wanted variety in my tank and didnt want to overstock the middle and upper levels of the tank too much. I got my bristlenose plecs for the same reason really.
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    burnt out electrics in my hood

    I agree, although I'm guessing you dont have live plants in your tank right?
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    UGF alternative for 10G

    I live in the UK and have a Clear-Jet filter. Have a look for those, or maybe Fluval? Also Eheim have just brought out their "Aquaball" internal filters which start at a small size and can be "added to" if you ever upgrade your tank to a bigger one.
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    Made a dumb move...

    I agree it has to be water changes til they've all gone.
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    Yes, I'm bragging...

    Congrats. You never know, this could just be the beginning :D
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    Help to identify this fish?

    How about explaining it as well as the pic? Might give us more of an idea
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    Endler Fry

    No, it wont be an overcrowding issue. Unfortunately live-bearers are renowned for eating their young. It's just nature I'm afraid.
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    New camera pics

    I thought it was the Bull Ring in Birmingham?
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    New picture of my kitten Moby

    The pic of him in the drawer is adorable :wub: I'll nominate whichever pic you like for potm.
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    I’m not taking the plunge!

    Thats what I thought. What will stop the lower tank from overflowing?