Will my water pass the lfs's tests?

Will it pass?

  • 0

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  • Yes

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  • 7

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You got problems in your tank?

What are they testing it for?
PH, GH, KH, NO2, NO3, salinity, phosphates, ammonia????????

Why dont you buy an Esha test kit and test your own?
It's been cycling for 9 days tomorrow. I'm not sure what they test for, just to make sure it's up to scratch for fish. Just a bit of fun. I've tested it myself, i've added 'Cycle', the ammonia levels go up, it moves over to nitrite, then to nitrate and then I do a water change, but it had got to that stage after about 5 days, dunno, we'll find out tomorrow.

I will vote no then, 9 days is not enough for a fishless cycle IMO. Are you adding ammonia? not cycle (worthless in some peoples opinion as bateria needs oxygen and can't get it in bottles).

Make sure you get your lfs to give you the results, not just a yes its ok, or no its not ok. Get the actual readings and post them.

Have you got any additions already in there to help with the maturing of the tank?

If it does pass dont go daft and buy loads of fish to cram in it or the bacteria in your filter will not be able to coap and it will be the old "new tank syndrome" cenario all over again. :S

Hope all goes well. :D
I will aim to get the results and post them tomorrow. I haven't got any additions to help mature the tank. If it does pass I'll only be getting three platies for now.

Oh well, off to bed now, see what happens tomorrow,

I voted no.

Cycle does'nt work, and if your not adding any form of ammonia then it won't be cycling.

Your results maybe all good, and pass the LFS test, but as far as I read in your posting, your tank is'nt cycled, and does'nt pass my test, hence the NO.
Have you been adding ammonia?

When I set up my first tank the lfs gave me loads of crap advice, told me just to run the tank for a few weeks, didnt need to add anything (eg: fish or ammonia etc).

After 2 weeks they told me my water was perfect and sold me 8 Plattys.

Needless to say:

1. The tank wasn't cycled :blink:
2. The plattys didn't like me, my tank or the ammonia and Nitrites for a little while :sick:
3. LFS will tell you anything just to get a sale! :nod:
I'd say no. Obviously depending what shop it is (lps or specialist fish shop) they want to make a fast buck. I bet they try to sell you some Nurafin (or whatever) Cycle. Or some fish to cycle with.
jay2jay99 said:
I haven't added any ammonia, just a product called cycle.

sorry did'nt mean to shout, just felt shouting is the only way to get through.

you may think it is, but it does'nt trust me. The only thing that does Bio Spar (sp), and that not avalible in the UK.

PLEASE stop listening to you LFS, there say anything to cover there backs.

I garrente you will have to Cycle you tank with fish, and they will most likely all die.
Details of how you are cycling would help, as I and others have said just leaving a tank running is no good. If you want to cycle with fish then 24-48 hours after setting up put three hardy fish in, a week after, three more and so on. I would highly reccomend getting your own master test kit if doing this or a fishless cycle. I have cycled with fish and lost none, but are they happy fish? I will fishless every time from now on.

The water tests your LFS should be doing are ammonia (produced by fish or added by you), nitrite (produced by the bacteria that process the ammonia once established) and nitrate, often in tap water, but also produced by the bacteria that process nitrite. This is where water changes are important. Nitrate is the least toxic to fish, but still toxic.

I am not saying forget your LFS advice, just dont take it as 100%, they are not letting you buy fish yet, so are better than most.


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