new fish, ID info needed


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I just got 4 of theses little guys, labled as orange hatchet fish :S
what are they?
I think they may be a rasbora or similar species



Now some questions for loachman
I got some botia dario, have you kept these before?
what are their temperment like?
also the lfs has emperor botias are they ok with other botias?
botia dario
I have Axelrods mini atlas of freshwater fish.

Yours look like " Chela caeruleostigmata " page 562 , top .

That's the best I can do .
lucky62 said:
Yours look like " Chela caeruleostigmata "

not that one, however a further delve into chela produced Chela dadiburjori the Dadio

I also found an interesting article on another site (can't name it as it has a fish forum)
One of the "close cousins" of the little danio species is the Dadio (Chela dadyburjori)note the different spelling. This pretty little fish looks very much like a danio, and certainly comes from the same huge family of Cyprinidae. But its sub-family is Cultrinae, unlike the danio species which are of the sub-family Rasborinae. However, for the hobbyist such scientific quibbles are not important, and this stylish little fish might well have been given a common name of a "something" danio! The body shape is a little deeper and the finnage more elongated than that of the danios. The Dadio is also somewhat less robust, although once acclimatised to its surroundings it will flourish without special attention.

So like me to pick a fish that is very closly related to danios :)

Thanks Luck62 for putting me on the correct track. :thumbs:
The-Wolf said:
lucky62 said:
Yours look like " Chela caeruleostigmata "

not that one, however a further delve into chela produced Chela dadiburjori the Dadio

I also found an interesting article on another site (can't name it as it has a fish forum)
One of the "close cousins" of the little danio species is the Dadio (Chela dadyburjori)note the different spelling. This pretty little fish looks very much like a danio, and certainly comes from the same huge family of Cyprinidae. But its sub-family is Cultrinae, unlike the danio species which are of the sub-family Rasborinae. However, for the hobbyist such scientific quibbles are not important, and this stylish little fish might well have been given a common name of a "something" danio! The body shape is a little deeper and the finnage more elongated than that of the danios. The Dadio is also somewhat less robust, although once acclimatised to its surroundings it will flourish without special attention.

So like me to pick a fish that is very closly related to danios :)

Thanks Luck62 for putting me on the correct track. :thumbs:
Anytime Lobo .

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