Martha puffed!!!

SirMinion said:
Barday said:
What's the scale of that? how big is she fully puffed?
She's 10 inches long, but there wasn't time to measure her belly when she puffed!

Suffice to say, pretty damn huge.
10 " Long :hyper: , puffed on top of that , really nice picture , she's one big " Martha Fuhaka " now :nod: .
omg!! that picture had me laughing so hard i almost fell off my chair!!! the look on her face!!!! :rofl:

excellent work getting a shot of that!!!
ok,...... that is THE coolest thing i have ever seen in an aquarium, that is sdoooooooo cool, she even has little spines coming out of her puff, she is huge when puffed :rofl:
wow thats awesome and she even has litle spines.

when our MBU puffed at work he didn't even get close to that size and he's 8-10"
That is amazing, ,my kids are rolling on the ground and puffing their cheeks to 'be like martha' :lol: I never imagined she would get THAT big :hyper:

Is this the first time you've seen her do it? :thumbs:
That is Soooo Cool, SHe is 1 Hefty Lady.
Sorrell said:
That is amazing, ,my kids are rolling on the ground and puffing their cheeks to 'be like martha' :lol: I never imagined she would get THAT big :hyper:

Is this the first time you've seen her do it? :thumbs:
Second, although the first time she only half-puffed. We've never seen her become a proper little football before. :D
Wow! Nice timing. One of my SAP's puffed once and looked like a golf ball, marthas more football :lol:


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