seems a little unfair


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
heres where my dad made me put the comp and so here is where i have to use it
notice the nice soft unpadded wooden stool, also notice the 2 1/2ft of space i have to cram everything(can only keep stuff on that cloth thingy). and look at all the leg room i get.
and guess where the printer is.

oh look, my printer ended up all the way over here
now lets look at the brand new computer and desk my dad bought for 'himself' which put me in the crammed corner. and i just cant wait till he buys himself a new chair!!
Soooo.... where do your legs go?

Maybe if you scoot back like a foot, then hunch over and stretch out your arms you can type and have leg room ;), poor yous. You could always put it on yer bed, then lay down and type...then just er...sleep on the floor? I'm kidding, but it'd be real cool if they make a chair you lay in and type that way.
Awwwww... sorry to see that you got the shaft there Fuz. Is that a cabinet where your legs go? If so, couldn't you just open the cabinet to put your legs in it while you're on the PC? Should make gaming fun... *sarcastic*
Awwwww hun! No fair! Well when your Dad gets a new chair can you nick his? At least it has a back on it???
Do you game you that PC?
It would suck if you did.... oh I feel bad for ya too....

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