Oh yeah, right. Like anyone will belive this....

doesn't really mean much, if he's sending the goods he's advertising and delivering on time people can't really fault him even if it is a scam.
I was just about to say some shmuck bid on it, but then realised it was someone on here foiling this evil scam! :D

But he must be right, I mean, he has SECRETS!!!!!!!!!!
I dont have secrets! This guy has to be good :p
Didn't someone on here buy one a couple of months ago?

This looks like the same guy with the same grammar skills.

And well done Sun, scam or not he gets paid and to add insult to injury he gets paid by a knowledgeable fish keeper.

Well, I won and I sent the cheque off the week before last. Not sure if it's cleared yet cos I've not checked my bank balance :dunno:

Hopefully I should receive the golden tips this week, I'll scan them in so you can all learn from them :rofl:
Paul v biker won it a while ago. The stuff he got was nothing.
If this plonkers secret is spelt with the same spellchecker as he used to put his add, on Ebay, then it could make very funny reading! LOL
Fishy411 said:
Paul v biker won it a while ago. The stuff he got was nothing.
true....so true!!

took a couple of weeks to come thorugh for me as he said his printer was playing up :rolleyes: i got a shoddy printed document through so he probable was telling the truth but the document tells you what order you should add decor and acessories the basic stuff........then he tells you to add lots of chemicals to turn the harmful chemicals into non-toxic forms.
lets face it he [
prob talking rubbish but he might be duselxic or anything an inabilty to spell means nothing

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