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  1. S

    Members Gallery Pics

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Good one Strontium
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    Members Gallery Pics

    OK so enough about me already. What other celebrity look-a-likeys do we have out there?
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    Members Gallery Pics

    :o :lol: why? why? why? :rofl: :*)
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    Job Interview

    Well done Bunji!!!!!! :kana:
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    The Rainbow Bridge

    Where do I start??? Tim and Tom - Tortoise shell kittens. Missing in Action. We read in the newspapers shortly after their disappearance that someone in our neighbourhood had been caught feeding live kittens and puppies to their snake :sick: Misty - Tortoise shell cat. My uncle gave her...
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    My trip to the Maldives

    Fantastic photos rvm. I love the turtles :wub:
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    What do you have pierced ¿?

    Imagine having a nose stud when you've got a cold though? *shudders*
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    What do you have pierced ¿?

    I have my ears pierced and I did have the top of one ear done too but that one healed up :sad: If I was slimmer I would have my belly button done :nod: I did see someone once with a tiny diamond stud just above their top lip to one side and I thought it looked really nice. I was VERY...
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    This may sound stupid, but

    Plattys are well known for their poopability. I used to think that mine were having competitions with each other to see who could produce the longest poop!!! How long have you had them? Long enough to know that this isnt normal?
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    Well if what you told me in chat is true then you definately need to start doing more regular partial water changes. Also get your water tested by a fish store or something because I'm pretty sure that there's no way your Ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites can be fine if you've not being doing...
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    I keep seeing people on about multiple posts but I can't see them. Do I need new glasses?? :dunno: Edit: Now that's weird, there were a couple of replies in here then when I posted mine they all disappeared apart from the initial post.
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    Kitty In The Sink

    I know you dont need a third but I third that nomination! How adorable :wub:
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    Ill show you mine....

    Ours is in the middle of some major work. We started it this Summer but have had to put it on hold for a little while until the weather gets a bit better. Anyway this is how it looks right now:
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    Mail order fish in uk

    I've used Aquatics Online too.
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    Wildwoods not so wild open day

    Noooooooo I meant, I thought there were going to be lots of people there from some organisation or something???
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    Mine have grown really fast. I had them in October 2004 and they were both half an inch long. Now my male is almost 4" and the female is slightly smaller at 3.5".
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    Wildwoods not so wild open day

    So where were the people that were supposed to be there then???
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    Not sure if my Cory is carrying eggs

    OK thanks for that.
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    A trying day in fishkeeping

    OMG what a hectic day! I hope he makes it :X
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    Not sure if my Cory is carrying eggs

    I have a couple of harold shultzi cories and I thought that the larger one was maybe carrying eggs because it's/she's gotten quite large and rotund over the last few days.
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    Master kit

    I've only ever tested for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I suppose it depends if you keep any fish that are sensitive to things like PH and hardness etc.
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    Not sure if my Cory is carrying eggs

    Does anyone have a pic of what an eggladen female cory looks like?
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    Do you name your fish?

    When I first started keeping fish I thought I would name them all. As my fish collection grew I soon realised that naming fish was only really possible if they were easily to tell apart from each other. Now I only have a few fish with names and they're mainly the ones that are easily...
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    Scarborough Sea Life and Marine Sanctuary

    Thanks for the compliment Sarah. Yes it is the same camera I was using when we went to London. :D It's a Nikon CoolPix 774 however it's over 4 years old now and I'm actually wanting to replace it with something faster. Currently I can only take pics of fish/things that stay still for at...
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    Scarborough Sea Life and Marine Sanctuary

    I hear that urine counteracts the sting. Not sure how true that is though. Doesnt sound very pleasant but I'm sure if I was in that much pain, I wouldnt care about the method as long as it stopped hurting :blink:
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    Scarborough Sea Life and Marine Sanctuary

    Nope, Scarborough on the North East coast of the UK.
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    My 1st Issue of PFK Arrived

    That's exactly what I'm waiting for!
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    Scarborough Sea Life and Marine Sanctuary

    Well, I cant really find anywhere more suitable to post these pics but I really wanted to share them with you. They're not my fish (I wish!) but they are fish and other sea creatures that I saw at the Sea Life and Marine Sanctuary in Scarborough yesterday. Lake Malawi Cichlids Axylotyls...
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    Agressive Odessa Barb

    I'm not entirely sure but I think each type prefers their own.
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    Agressive Odessa Barb

    I thought that all barbs were nippers, just some do it more than others? As far as I know thats why they should be kept in groups of 5 or more.
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    How high can your betta jump?

    I can't say I've ever seen mine jump.
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    This hobby is gonna get me fired!!!

    Unfortunately in my new job my computer screen can be seen very very easily so I've not been on. I did post a work related question on here though a few weeks back so I was allowed on to see the responses :shifty:
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    your betta's name

    Mine's called Dave :wub:
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    Cory Matea Cory Adolpi (with a Matea in the background HaroldShultzi
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    Bristlenose in 33 gallon

    I have 2 in a 36 gallon and they do a grand job :nod:
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    Catching the little beggars

    I had to get my boyfriend to help me catch a fish tonight. I had one net and he had the other. I made a swift move and almost got the fish but it scooted off and swam straight into his net ;) job's a good 'un :nod:
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    Neon tetra schooling question...

    Why's that? I added mine after the tank had been up and running for about 6 weeks.
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    The scales on my Bettas head look strange

    My bettas head is slightly darker than the rest of his body too. I dont think there's anything to worry about if he's swimming about OK and is eating well etc. Let us know if you see any odd behaviour.
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    I started feeding my platty fry virtually straight away. I used a liquid food called Interpret Liquifry 2 which is specifically for Livebearers. When they get a bit bigger I swtched to really finely crushed flake :nod: