How high can your betta jump?

How high can your betta jump?

  • 0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • .5 Inch

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  • 0

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Jan 17, 2005
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I just realized one of my female cambodian betta can jump 2 inch or maybe even more (had lid on so she couldn't go above 2 inches). She was jumping for like 5 times before I suddenly realized what the noise was. She's been a bit jumpy lately.
One of my female bettas jumps all the time. Three times now she's actually jumped out of her tank while I've been feeding her. :S She also does little flips in the tank for the bloodworms :D
i voted one inch cause last night while feeding bubbles, her neighbor, jaws, jumped over the divider to get some food. i think it was about 1 inch, but maybe she could go higher...i don't want to find out!! :p
Mine do jump out pretty high. I saw her next day on the floor dead. LOL :lol: I am joking. LOL
I had a female and a male jump at least 2" to clear the water line and out of a lid opening! so voted 2"

It scares me when they jump so I'm really nervous when feeding now. Picture me trying to open the lid of the food while holding one hand over the opening :crazy:
I've had one clear a 6" jump once. Sadly he met his match after that.

I have a wild male who can jump extremely high. He starts bouncing all over when I give him a water change. Sheesh :S He makes me nervous.
i don't mind the jumping its the falling that scares me were will he land have had fry jump and do damage to there spines in the past, i voted too high........... :p
Bettaman said:
i don't mind the jumping its the falling that scares me were will he land have had fry jump and do damage to there spines in the past, i voted too high........... :p
uggh, speaking of horrible falls :X Last night I was doing water changes and I grabbed one of the bigger skinnier containers (holds like a gallon) and it slipped and fell a good 5 feet,exploding all over the floor and me and I was scared to even move because I was like "Omg! Where's the fish?!". Thankfully I found him dazed and confused under the container,which means not only did he fall but he had a big clumsy plastic thing fall on top of him :X He's ok though. Just had to share,no hijacking intended :p

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