This hobby is gonna get me fired!!!

I'm not working...but I can definately understand how you feel. My head is always thinking about fish and anything to do with fish :p Looking on here, looking on ebay, reading different websites about fish :)

I was watching Discovery last night (Thursday) which is crime night here and they were doing a test with a gun shooting the bullet into a big tank full of water. My eyes lit up and I said out loud..imagine what I could put in that tank LOL :lol:

Tomorrow we're taking the cat to the vet which is also connected to a pet store and all today I've been so ancy...just waiting to go!! I want to look at getting a bigger tank..maybe a 55 gallon :D My boyfriend says theres no way...but we'll see :p
Unfortunately in my new job my computer screen can be seen very very easily so I've not been on.

I did post a work related question on here though a few weeks back so I was allowed on to see the responses :shifty:
sunflower said:
I did post a work related question on here though a few weeks back so I was allowed on to see the responses :shifty:
sneaky sneaky :clap:
:p definitely addictive!!! i been here since 12pm on and off.... checking emails and post replies and new topics etc.... My dad thinks i got pc disease and keeps saying " oh she's on her throne again" lol

I just find this hobby so interesting!!!! next week i'm on work experience in a dogs home which should be a total contrast but it means i finish @ around 5pm and i be rushing home to check this site out for new posts etc...

:blink: I need a life....

Fishtanks annymous here i come!!!
Try being on here from about noon til 4. Then going to class 4-5. Going on TFF while in class. Come home. Make dinner, sit on computer on TFF. Continue to play on TFF til about 4 or 5am [it sucks being an insomniac] and then finally try to sleep.

That's what my Mondays are like. :lol:
littlefishie said:
Try being on here from about noon til 4. Then going to class 4-5. Going on TFF while in class. Come home. Make dinner, sit on computer on TFF. Continue to play on TFF til about 4 or 5am [it sucks being an insomniac] and then finally try to sleep.

That's what my Mondays are like. :lol:
Maybe you wouldn't be on there if you would come to Mississauga! :sly:

DB :fish:
Hmmm... what job do you do to get away with doing no work (or is it a bit of an exaggeration :) )

I take a sneaky peak now and then, but noway could iget away withit all day...too much work!!!

but I understand the urge.
Sanj said:
Hmmm... what job do you do to get away with doing no work (or is it a bit of an exaggeration :) )

I take a sneaky peak now and then, but noway could iget away withit all day...too much work!!!

but I understand the urge.
i get away with not being a lawyer!!! :hey: Personal Injury...."Where there's blame there's a claim"!!

do a little dictating here and there (when waiting for my fishie research to print !)..pass it to my secretary...eight hours chargeable work done in no time...put the phone on do not disturb...away we go!! :kana:

to be honest it has only been this week i have skived (shirked for non UK members :dunno:. not sure if skive is an international phrase!? sorry.) because it has been quite quiet quite in work lately.

Usually i am up to my eyeballs so it's nice to have some chill time B) for a change!

I do work hard normally. Honest ;)

Its true!!

Steve. :D
thebaldranger said:
i get away with not being a lawyer!!! :hey: Personal Injury...."Where there's blame there's a claim"!!

I do work hard normally. Honest ;)

Its true!!

Steve. :D
I am not a great predictor of the future but......, I see some lawyer jokes headed your way :p

I don't always get a chance to sneak on at work, unlike canarsie11, I am a teacher and not a dean. Plus, my kids are literally crazy and violent at times and I need to watch them closely. However, when they are in group therapy............
We don't have internet access at work.....I don't really have a desk anyways, more like a work station with all the equipment I need on it....

In my old job, where I had a computer and the internet I used to be on pretty much all day except for when I had like small amounts of work to that was annoying...working at work.

I do however have a small piece of paper at work that I write fish stuff on as it comes to me....ideas...things to buy at the LFS that afternoon etc.
I do to think about fish a lot. Always thinking up ideads for my tank and dream tanks.
Anyone interested in starting and AA (Aquariums Anonymous) chapter? I thought I was the only one that was addicted to this. Just got my first tank (actually I got it for my wife for Christmas) in December and already we have a 2.5 gal and a 5gal hospital tank. I go to PetSmart (5 minutes from work) almost everyday on my lunch hour just to see what they have. This is truly an addiction.

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