The scales on my Bettas head look strange


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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Are these dull scales on my betta's head normal. If it was a different type of fish i'd know he was sick. What do you guys thing?


Do you mean the transition from metalic blue scales to black scales??
If so then yes that is normal. But he is crashed on the bottom in the picture... is he usually at the bottom of the tank??
He spends about 5 times as much time swimming as he does at the bottom. He never spends more than a couple of minutes there at a time.
I just read in your other post that you recently brought him home, I wouldn't be too worried about him, he looks healthy. Did you add water conditioner to his tank? Some water conditioners will help fish's slime coat which is good when you add new fish.
Good luck
I did. And i beleive tetra aquasafe does help promote slime coat.

If he is sick could the disease be spread to my african dwarf frogs?
Yeah, the dark head is normal... looks healthy to me :nod:
My bettas head is slightly darker than the rest of his body too. I dont think there's anything to worry about if he's swimming about OK and is eating well etc.

Let us know if you see any odd behaviour.
Perfectly normal imo. If he gets should see it get even darker lol.





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