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  1. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    Great advice - thank you. Unfortunately he passed away last night :( But I will remember this and keep some epsom salt in stock. Martin :good:
  2. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    I'm fed up! I'll have to make something up with Dan, the rest are okay but Dan.......... I'll be okay can't find a crying emoticon so you can have this one :drool: I'll cry from my mouth. Me
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    Pick-me-up Medication

    Oh yeah, try telling that to Dan or Suzy, they're so impatient... If they come down with a dodgy tummy and need some TLC and I can't supply it just the words 'sorry but Wiggles is working, you'll have to wait until tonight' they just will not be happy, not one bit!!!! Dan will throw a fit and...
  4. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    Thanks Miss W, And CONGRATULATIONS on the new job, well done :good: I'm sure if enough of us get a petition signed, they'll supply you with a laptop so you can carry on supplying the good advice :lol: Martin
  5. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    I take it I adjust the ppm of CO2 but adjusting the bpm coming from the CO2 unit? That would be good getting it down to 7mg. Martin
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    Pick-me-up Medication

    Thank you Miss W, I'll go out soon and pick up some Fluval Peat for the filter and I'll check with them about te RO water. I've been looking in to getting a CO2 system for the plants, I understand that the pH will drop with that, is that quite effective? Martin
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    Pick-me-up Medication

    B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 9 2007, 11:14 AM) 1684243</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Some fish are real nosy and want to be around us. Others really like to keep to themselves. I just got some zebra danios for my tank and, like I was told would happen, all of a...
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    Pick-me-up Medication

    B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 9 2007, 11:07 AM) 1684238 What are you currently feeding? The general rule of thumb is never to add more chemicals to a tank than you absolutely need to. That's sounds like sound advice :good: I was looking in to getting and setting up a hospital tank before adding...
  9. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 9 2007, 11:05 AM) 1684234 How long have you had the fish? Any possibility that the fish is getting old? If that's not the case, and as has been suggested, your water is fine, then you might want to look into a compatability chart and see what "buddies" this little guy...
  10. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    I've had the fish in there now for about 6 to 7 weeks. I'm actually looking at getting a CO2 system (Hydor CO2 Green NRG Exclusive System) so that should lower the pH I hope. Since I've had the Ram quarantined in the Net Tank in the aquarium I have noticed that he hasn't pooped at all, he's...
  11. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    Cheers Wolf, I've checked my water: pH 8.0 (always been that) / Ammonia 0.0 / Nitrite 0.0 / Nitrate 25mg (tap water level). Is it really worth getter the other test kits like for water hardness etc...? So is the King British general tonic and Tetrameciac general tonic worth it? Does it work...
  12. N

    Pick-me-up Medication

    Hi everybody :hyper:, I have a Dutch Ram who's really feeling under the weather, I have checked my water composition for all the main levels and all is at zero apart from Nitrate which is basically at my tap level as we did a large pcw last night. He's been feeling like this for about 4 days...
  13. N

    Dutch Ram In Need Of Some Dutch Courage

    Request Help Tank size: Please see signature pH: 8.0mg ammonia: 0.0mg nitrite: 0.0mg nitrate: 30mg (near to the tap water level) kH: unknown gH: unknown tank temp: 25 degrees Common name of fish in question: Dutch Ram Fish Symptoms: He has lost colour and is listing slightly to one side. He...
  14. N

    Bamboo Shrimp Advice Please

    Thanks guys, I think you're right. I have seen them in the tank for a while elsewhere so I know that they're not active. I think just watching them filter for food is just good enough :D He/she is sheltered in many places, some too good (for them not me :S). Anyway, cheers for the advice...
  15. N

    Bamboo Shrimp Advice Please

    Hi everyone, We introduced a Bamboo Shrimp to our aquarium a week ago, up until a couple of days ago he was out and things were fine. We could see him clearly between two pieces of bog wood and he was happily eating away and waving his fans about. Since then we more or less haven't seen him as...
  16. N

    Blue Ram Question

    Max size is around 3 inches for the males and slightly smaller for the females. Well worth having if they're okay with the other fish, if there is a problem it will be witht he other fish as the Blue and Dutch Rams are very peaceful. Good luck Martin :good:
  17. N

    Which Shrimp

    Hiya, I got a Bamboo Shrimp around a week ago and I think he/she is great, I really look forward to seeing it come out and operate it's fans :lol: Do they start coming out more and more as they get use to the tank environment? My outlet is right near the top of the tank, will he/she climb up...
  18. N

    Blue Ram Question

    They are absolutely fine with Gouramis and Cardinals as I have them and they leave each other alone. Mine mainly stay at the bottom but do also go mid and top, I'd say that they are all over the place fish but mainly at the bottom. Martin :good:
  19. N

    Any Ideas What My Ram Died Of.......

    Hi all, I've had my three Dutch/Blue/Euro Rams (whatever you want to call them, they all seem to look exactly the same but get called different names) for about a month now (1 Male 2 Females) and they were all perfectly getting on and swimming around etc. I noticed a couple of day's ago that...
  20. N

    Vacuum Cleaner

    I find mixing hot and cold in a bucket and get it as close as you can by feeling will do the trick (you can add the de-chlorinate liquid then too. It's always a good idea that when you check your fish daily, just put your had on the glass when you check your thermometer and you will soon get to...
  21. N

    Quick Question About Bamboo Shrimps

    Thanks *Fishkies* much appreciated. Martin :good:
  22. N

    Quick Question About Bamboo Shrimps

    Works out to around 48 gallons. Yeah I agree, I loved watching them on some bog wood at the lfs the other day. There were 4 in a roww and they looked like they were doing a synchronising dance :lol: I will let her know, I'm sure she'll get on just fine, I loved reading about them moulting nd...
  23. N

    Quick Question About Bamboo Shrimps

    Great, I take it one will be okay and they don't need to be a pair? Also, if I'm going by the US gallon per inch of fish rule, would I add this shrimp to the equation? Will he/she try and get out of the tank? I'm really trying hard to convince my partner to go with it but she is very squeamish...
  24. N

    Is Ammonia Necessary For The Cycle?

    You can definitely get ammonia in the hardware section of Homebase. It's 9.5% ammonia and it's just over £1 Martin :good:
  25. N

    Quick Question About Bamboo Shrimps

    Anyone, Can anyone please help me out here. No one is replying, well one person did but I have no intension of getting rid of any current fish I have. Thank you Martin :good:
  26. N

    Quick Question About Bamboo Shrimps

    Hi everyone, Please see my .sig below for my list of fish I have. I have had them in there now for about a month and they are all very happy (apart from a shy male Pearl Gourami which seems like he is coming out more and more :). I did a very good 5 week fishless cycle and the water composition...
  27. N

    A Very Shy Male Pearl Gourami

    Why thank you very much sir, appreciate it. I don't have anything far too fancy, it's an Olympus E-500. I've been waiting for a Tripod (Manfrotto) to come available in ebay, I won it and it should be arriving any day soon. I will then be able to set up the camera with a slower exposure and just...
  28. N

    A Very Shy Male Pearl Gourami

    Hi All, Just need some advice on something. I have in my tank 2 Pearl Gouramis as well as others (see in my sig), one male and one female. The only thing is, the male one is so shy. He constantly hides behind a large bog wood and is so watchful it's amazing really. I have been working from...
  29. N

    Can I Put Plants In

    Hi, I wouldn't worry about putting any plants in now, you want to concentrate on building up your beneficial bacteria not displaying a wonderful empty tank of water and plants. Also, the only time you would do water changes whilst doing the fishless cycle is if you have a 'stalled cycle'. For...
  30. N

    Rocky Background

    Yep I agree, I got the rock effect and as it's getting 'discoloured' it's looking good - especially with two Bristlenoses hanging off it :lol: Luckily I got the shop to fit my two sheets and glue them for £50, so I got a better deal than I thought I did :) Martin :good:
  31. N

    Getting My Tank This Weekend!

    I found the Python a MARVELLOUS investment. Used it for the first time today and didn't drop a drip :D at £39.99 from here=> They are a very quick service too (UK based). Highly recommended :good: Martin
  32. N

    Rocky Background

    Hiya, I bought mine and got it installed when I purchased my tank. Mine is made by Juwel. They use a black special type of glue to stick it on the back glass inside the tank an it looks great - it fools the Catfish :D I must admit, I found it a little expensive, I think it was just over £50...
  33. N

    Lights In New Setup

    I personally wouldn't drop the Bristlenose, I have two and they are great and will be great when I get the algae. To be honest I would rather drop a couple of the Cardinals. Also regarding the Cardinals, make sure you check with the lfs what Nitrate they have been used to as they are very...
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    Frozen Food

    I think everyone would concur with that one :nod: Martin :good:
  35. N

    Lights In New Setup

    Hi DanielG, With regards to your light timing, I just bought a cheap timer (2 in a pack) from a hardware shop for something like £3-£5 and have set mine to come on at 14:30 until 22:30, then the lights are on for the eight hours and I get to see them in the evening. Also, I didn't want the...
  36. N

    African Dwarf Frogs...

    Any idea how big those bad boys get? I wanted something other than fish in my aquarium. I wanted crabs but was advised against it due to the Bristlenose Catfish I have, and I saw some frogs at Porton (which is a nice drive away from you) and they looked good, but I was told that they can get to...
  37. N

    Should I Wait Or Should I Go?

    I've read that Ammonia Bacteria starts dying off after 12 hours :( Martin :good:
  38. N

    Should I Wait Or Should I Go?

    That's true about the Cardinals. Ask the lfs what Nitrate their have been used to before you get them. Then if need be, get media to lower your Nitrate to match theirs until they are used to your levels of Nitrate. That the route I'm going down. Martin :good:
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    I Have A Case To Solve And Need Help Please.

    Wow, what a situation! :blink: It turned out whilst watching the tank some more one of the dead missing Cardinals shot passed the front. Anyway, it turned out that there is a little niche in the back corner of my tank where the outlet tube comes out of the tank. Basically both of the...
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    Frozen Food

    Hi Watersprite, Best bet is to get a small cup, fill it with tank water and leave for about 15 minutes to defrost. Then just pour the cup in the tank when ready. Martin :good: