Blue Ram Question

they are not bottom feeders IMO. they are generally mid feeders and dwellers, but will take food from the top of the tank.
stocking is a pair for 20 gallons of water
as far as compatibility goes, i think they will be ok with the fish u listed, however i would seek a second opinion on that :)
can i stock blue ram with:
tiger barb
zebra danios
cardinal tetra

what is the maximum size of blue rams?
are they bottom feeders?tnx!!

They are absolutely fine with Gouramis and Cardinals as I have them and they leave each other alone. Mine mainly stay at the bottom but do also go mid and top, I'd say that they are all over the place fish but mainly at the bottom.

Martin :good:
can i stock blue ram with:
tiger barb
zebra danios
cardinal tetra

what is the maximum size of blue rams?
are they bottom feeders?tnx!!

They are absolutely fine with Gouramis and Cardinals as I have them and they leave each other alone. Mine mainly stay at the bottom but do also go mid and top, I'd say that they are all over the place fish but mainly at the bottom.

Martin :good:

what is their max size or adult size?
yeah i am looking into these fish aswell...

will they be ok with clown loaches, knifefish, electric yellows, bristlenose, and all that? are they aggressive or placid fish?
what is their max size or adult size?

Max size is around 3 inches for the males and slightly smaller for the females.

Well worth having if they're okay with the other fish, if there is a problem it will be witht he other fish as the Blue and Dutch Rams are very peaceful.

Good luck

Martin :good:

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