Can I Put Plants In


New Member
Jun 8, 2007
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Wakefield. W Yorks UK
I have set a tank up which is being cycled at the moment and want to know if I can put plants in now or would the high levels of ammonia kill or damage them.Thanks
im not that sure but i dont think so. plants dont die instantly so as long as you keep ur water changes up........ say about 25% every 2 days i dont see why u cant have them now with out doing any harm.... i know teh feeling of having a tank with nothing in it.... u look at it and go wtf!!!.... good lukc and post back to let me know if im wrong or not....
I have set a tank up which is being cycled at the moment and want to know if I can put plants in now or would the high levels of ammonia kill or damage them.Thanks

I wouldn't worry about putting any plants in now, you want to concentrate on building up your beneficial bacteria not displaying a wonderful empty tank of water and plants.

Also, the only time you would do water changes whilst doing the fishless cycle is if you have a 'stalled cycle'. For example your pH has lowered to -6.0mg and the bacteria stops developing. Just follow the procedure that rdd1952 posted and you won't go wrong, I did and on my fifth week I could put my full stock of fish in including Cardinal Tetras that are quite sensitive to new tanks and it looks absolutely lovely.

Good luck :good:

Theres nothing for the plants to "eat" so , NO dont add any until cycled, then you will need ferts.
Thanks for the replies.I don't mind waiting for the tank to cycle,it's just that I had some free plants offered so it's pointless accepting them if they will die.Thanks anyway.
Feel free to add as many plants as you want now! Plants are good things for a tank, they'll absorb excess nutrients in the water, nitrate, phosphate, even ammonia and nitrite in certain quantities. The only reason most plants don't do well, is if there isn't enough light, but if you have a hood with a light on your tank then you should be fine! :good:

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