Quick Question About Bamboo Shrimps


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

Please see my .sig below for my list of fish I have. I have had them in there now for about a month and they are all very happy (apart from a shy male Pearl Gourami which seems like he is coming out more and more :). I did a very good 5 week fishless cycle and the water composition is always very good, i.e. Ammonia is never present, Nitrite is also never present, Nitrate is around my tap water level which is near 30mg and my pH is between 7.5 and 8.0mg. I do a good 20 to 40 percent PWC every week and I have 12 good sized plants, I also have a Fluval 305 in a 180 litre tank so the current is very good.

My question is, would a Bamboo Shrimp be happy living in my aquarium and would the other fish leave him/her alone.

I hope I haven't missed out any questions but if I have please let me know and I will answer them of course.


Martin :good:
I assume that the sunsets are dwarf gouramis.
They may be the only things that could irritate them. Everything else should be ok.
I woudent add them personally. If you wanted them, remove the dwarfs and add 4 shrimp and they will do well if you have a strong current. They may need target feeding with a pipette and powdered fry food.
Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis) are also known as Wood Shrimp sometimes.
Bamboo shrimp can get 8-12centimeters.
They are a tropical species. So they would be good with the fish you have. They are pretty tolerant when in comes to water. They love to pick food out through the water, however if they need they will pick it up off the ground.

Some more information and links:

Answers on bamboo shrimp

Good Luck! :nod:
Bamboo Shrimp (Atyopsis moluccensis) are also known as Wood Shrimp sometimes.
Bamboo shrimp can get 8-12centimeters.
They are a tropical species. So they would be good with the fish you have. They are pretty tolerant when in comes to water. They love to pick food out through the water, however if they need they will pick it up off the ground.

Some more information and links:

Answers on bamboo shrimp

Good Luck! :nod:

Great, I take it one will be okay and they don't need to be a pair?

Also, if I'm going by the US gallon per inch of fish rule, would I add this shrimp to the equation? Will he/she try and get out of the tank? I'm really trying hard to convince my partner to go with it but she is very squeamish about things like this but I love watching them collect from the water :)

Can someone tell me some lovely things to tell her about them, I think she's nearly there and I know she will love him/her once she gets used to it :good: I think she thinks it will hide and when she does the vacuuming once a week it will try and jump her :lol:

Thanks in advance

Martin :good:
How many gallons is your tank?

Just tell her, that they are like fish except their cleaners in the tank. They are very fascinating little creatures. You could watch them all day and just watch them filter the water.

I'm not sure about getting out of the tank. But it is always best to prepare rather then have an escapee later. :nod:

A friend of mine has Amano Shrimp and I had ghost shrimp once. Never had them jump on me while i was cleaning. They usually just stay put on a plant or hide and swim by quick to get away.
How many gallons is your tank?

Works out to around 48 gallons.

Just tell her, that they are like fish except their cleaners in the tank. They are very fascinating little creatures. You could watch them all day and just watch them filter the water.

Yeah I agree, I loved watching them on some bog wood at the lfs the other day. There were 4 in a roww and they looked like they were doing a synchronising dance :lol:

I'm not sure about getting out of the tank. But it is always best to prepare rather then have an escapee later. :nod:

A friend of mine has Amano Shrimp and I had ghost shrimp once. Never had them jump on me while i was cleaning. They usually just stay put on a plant or hide and swim by quick to get away.

I will let her know, I'm sure she'll get on just fine, I loved reading about them moulting nd hiding until their skin hardens, I thought it was amazing, she just went yuck!!! :lol:

To be honest, I'd rather get one large shrimp than a few small ones, I know she definitely won't go for many small ones. At least with a large one she can find it faster and watch it whilst helping with the PWCs eh.

Martin :good:
They, like most shrimp, are gregatious and really, really like being in groups. They are quite expensive, but having a group is far better for the shrimp than just one. As much as I love fian shrimps, if you cannot get a group of them, you should get a group of smaller shimp.
I had ghost shrimp once and kept them in a group of 5, however my one friend has 2 Amano shrimp in one tank and just 1 in another tank. So i think you should be okay with just 1, not like they'll pick fights with anything. I have never heard of anybody at least within myexperience of shrimp being able to attach and intentionally harm anyone or fish or thing. :nod:

Best of luck!
I had ghost shrimp once and kept them in a group of 5, however my one friend has 2 Amano shrimp in one tank and just 1 in another tank. So i think you should be okay with just 1, not like they'll pick fights with anything. I have never heard of anybody at least within myexperience of shrimp being able to attach and intentionally harm anyone or fish or thing. :nod:

Best of luck!

Thanks *Fishkies* much appreciated.

Martin :good:

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