Bamboo Shrimp Advice Please


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

We introduced a Bamboo Shrimp to our aquarium a week ago, up until a couple of days ago he was out and things were fine. We could see him clearly between two pieces of bog wood and he was happily eating away and waving his fans about.

Since then we more or less haven't seen him as he has been hiding behind (we believe) a piece of bog wood, we can only bearly see him when we catch a glimpse of his antennae.

Basically, is this it? Could he possibly be the kind that just hides constantly? I have performed a couple of hand feeds by squirting some finely crushed plecowafers to the area where he is, so I'm sure the food source is okay.

We've had an extremely shy male Pearl Gourami that has nearly completed our introduction program at getting him out in to the open more :lol: - very time consuming but working a treat.

Anyway, any advice on these little Bamboo Shrimps would be a great help (i.e. your personal experiance with them rather than what you generally read on the net) - thank you

Martin :good:
Sounds like he's just moulting/has just moulted, nothing to worry about, as long as he is protected from the other fish :good: .
This means you need to provide hiding places that are as inaccessible as possible to all other inhabitants of the tank, pretty much anything will have a go at a freshly moulted shrimp.
Agree he is probably just moulting. But they are not active. They are filter feeders so really no need to target feed although you can try if you want. If you see them picking food off of the bottom instead of filtering the water just drop an algae wafer in. I hope you werent looking for something that active because they sit in front of the filter flow and filter the water. Very cool but mine wont leave a spot for up to one week. Good luck.

Agree he is probably just moulting. But they are not active. They are filter feeders so really no need to target feed although you can try if you want. If you see them picking food off of the bottom instead of filtering the water just drop an algae wafer in. I hope you werent looking for something that active because they sit in front of the filter flow and filter the water. Very cool but mine wont leave a spot for up to one week. Good luck.


Thanks guys, I think you're right. I have seen them in the tank for a while elsewhere so I know that they're not active. I think just watching them filter for food is just good enough :D

He/she is sheltered in many places, some too good (for them not me :S).

Anyway, cheers for the advice.

Martin :good:

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