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  1. ox5477

    Thinking Of Starting Up A Sw Tank.

    His dog? Thats a picture of him.... it was a holiday and he had a few drinks... so you should prob take it easy on making fun of his appearance.... Haha Ox :lol:
  2. ox5477

    Thinking Of Starting Up A Sw Tank.

    well the reason Ter asked about your stocking and what med it was is that marine inverts and corals cannot stand any copper... and some medications use copper as an additive to kill the bad things... so if you used a med with copper in a tank... it most likely seeped into the silicone seals of...
  3. ox5477

    Marine Water Changes

    Im with Ter, every two to three weeks I change 10-20% to replace nutrients to the tank so Im not buffering like crazy...,. though I still do buffer to make sure stats are optimum. Ox :good:
  4. ox5477

    Severum + Jd

    Tobiagara is right... I purchsed two juve sevs, each roughly 1" and placed them in with my adult mal JD 8". He has not payed too much attention to them as of yet and they are roughly 3.5" now. He will snap at them a little during feeding just as they forget where they are begin to float towards...
  5. ox5477

    Worst Film Ever Watched.

    Haha, they previewed this at the theater when I went to see Dark Knight..... I LOLed..... so bad Ox :good:
  6. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    That would be die-off from the rocks.... but also, even fully cured, lr isn't the prettiest smelling thing :rolleyes: As long as those powerheads were made to be controlled and able to shut off and on.... then they should be fine. If they were just two pumps that the seller put with the...
  7. ox5477

    Sump Order

    well I found this, bought the next closest thing to the head chart I could find... atleast gives the max head: Weipro From the table, looks like the max head 3.10m or 10.17ft. So rough estimating, at 4-5ft (roughly tank height), your gonna be looking at maybe 1/2 of the flow... so roughly...
  8. ox5477

    New Sump Place And Pluming!

    Darn parents... always ruining your plans for world domination.... I mean saltwater heaven..... *Forget first statement* haha Ox :good:
  9. ox5477

    Sump Order

    well really enough to keep the area oxygenated is enough, also enough to keep the macro healthy... ie with nutrients... so maybe 3-4x its sections volume... maybe less... If you really wanna go crazy with this sump, watch the video here called "Sump Concept" This guy is making a sump for a...
  10. ox5477

    Problems Feeding Khuli Loches

    well if you got a few more loaches it would make them more secure and confident and maybe come out more. There is nothing in the tank that they should be afraid of so they should come out more than the two did. I think its because they needed some more buddies. A shoal of 5-6 is prefered. I...
  11. ox5477

    Got A Blue Or Black Background?

    Crap pics but here you go: Saltwater tank: Freshwater: Sorry no plants either... but you can see in the saltwater how the corals colors stand out on the black background Ox :good:
  12. ox5477

    New Sump Place And Pluming!

    Good stuff. Interesting bit of fidgeting to get the sump plumbed all the way from the tank. Have you thought about drilling through the wall that seperates the closet and tank? This could make it easier to hide the plumbing. Just a thought... Ox :good:
  13. ox5477

    150w Clip On Halide

    Well u could do either really. You might wanna go with actinics as they will make the colors of the coral phosphoress beautifully, but one of each wouldn't hurt either. These I would recommend be used a quasi- sunrise/sunset so either would work. The main growth power will be coming from the...
  14. ox5477

    Sump Order

    Well there are a couple ways to go about this. Depending on how powerful your return pump is will prob determine the method. For the first it would go: IN->Refuge->Return With skimmer/bioballs/filter floss or whatever you might have in the first zone that recieves the water from the main...
  15. ox5477

    Severum + Jd

    The 120 would be perfect. and you could prob add one or two more specimens in that tank as well (or maybe just some dithers to give movement and more color to the tank) Ox :good:
  16. ox5477

    Can Anything Be Kept With Oscars?

    Or the oscar tries to eat one of them and it gets lodged in its throught and then you need to intervene to save atleast one of the fish.... so I just wouldn't take the chance unless the loach is big enough to not fit in the o's mouth... which can be tough since the o's mouth is so big and the...
  17. ox5477

    Guess What's In The Box

    Haha, possibly with some packing peanuts between the two!!!! :hyper:
  18. ox5477

    Aqua Nursery

    Seems like a good idea if you wanna keep the fry safe. Though, do the parents just sit in there forever? Or do you have to catch the mother right when she is birthing and quickly get her over there? Cause livebearers will abort a pregnancy if they get overly stressed correct? Seems like you...
  19. ox5477

    Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

    Well not that Im an expert, but I would say all JD's patterning is individual to each fish. It depends on the genes and whether those genes tell certain scales to brighten up or stay dull. She may just be a very dull colored JD and the stress that causes the bars, will also wash out the color...
  20. ox5477

    Wanted Small Coral (mushrooms, Etc)

    Well if your interested in taking a roadtrip one weekend up to upstate (Rochester/Buffalo), there are quite a few nice shops in both areas. I can recommend two shops in the Rochester area, The Reef Shoppe and Caribbean Forrest. Both these shoppes are very reasonable in price and have some good...
  21. ox5477

    Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

    Ya... we're thinking this is pretty much what it is, but if the black "stress bars" for a lack of better discription, dont go away, it may be some strange hybrid But it was my first thought that its a female JD with stress bars Ox :good:
  22. ox5477

    Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

    Here is one pic, shows both a male and female (female has color along jaw and male has no color along jaw). Click Me Here is a male, large body and elongated anal and dorsal fins: Click Me Ox :good:
  23. ox5477

    John,s Reef Journal {experience Newbie}

    Well from the looks... they are sold. Does that mean you go em? Hope so, some nice looking zoas Ox :good:
  24. ox5477

    Fishheaded's 10g Journal

    Usually comes out that way huh? Cameras have such a hard time capturing true light and color Ox :good:
  25. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    You could use it as a refuge. I believe I have seen a diy where someone put an led light into an eheim canister (already has heater). Though, I do think maybe the flow would be too fast through the canister. You normally want a pretty mellow flow for your refuge. The typical macros include...
  26. ox5477

    Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

    Well, if its not a hybrid... then it may be the the sev. I would say you do have a good amount of room in that tank for both for now... especially if you see no aggression, but maybe the fact that if the sev is a male and the JD being a more submissive female always feels threatened by the...
  27. ox5477

    My Male Green Terror

    Not necessarily. It all depends on genetics. If a fish's genes tell it to grow a huge hump... then it will.... If the genes dont even tell it to grow one... then it wont either. Happens in nature as well... hence why some specimens are much more "full" and "bad-a$$" looking then others...
  28. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    I believe you would get much more benefit from getting rid of the media and replacing with lr rubble and/or macro algae like chaeto. You could keep that back lid open and rig up a light for the macro algae as well pretty easily. Ox :good:
  29. ox5477

    Death To Aptasias

    If they could.... I think science would be interesting to study your aipstasia..... if you do get more.... its from the new lr so dont think anything survived... Ox :good:
  30. ox5477


    Agreed.... GT's...O's... sevs..... all too big Ox :good:
  31. ox5477

    Advice On Stocking For My Kid Brother

    I'd leave out the krib and rehome the 6 guppies.... It could work maybe with the guppies if you had over filtration, but if your going by the 1 inch rule.... you far over stocked that tank with the list you gave. But, with the cories and the minnows, should be a fab tank, even though that in...
  32. ox5477

    Omg! My Severums Are Not Severums!

    Maybe for a confirmed, mature pair.... but still, cons are not the rarest of fish so if I knew they were cons.... I might have trouble letting go of that kind of money even for a mature, confirmed pair.... Ox :good:
  33. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    well technically if your using LR... you dont need any external filtration (man-made that is). When purchasing lr, you should have enough to meet the bioload of your tank. Sometimes when having preds, it is very hard to meet the bioload requirements because if you have two or three messy fish...
  34. ox5477


    40 huh? thats quite a batch for one guppy! Congrats Ox :good:
  35. ox5477

    Meet Crabhead

    it looks like the 5*3*2 he has in his signature Ox :good:
  36. ox5477

    More Tests Done

    well with the introduction of new fish, you will get an increased bioload that the filter bacteria has to catch up to. So thats why its spiking a little. Do the daily wc's until you see both the ammonia and the nitrite drop to zero Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Calcium Levels

    Well I have heard one here... like with the carbonate... you wanna keep it a little on the higher end to ensure the corals have the proper amount of resources. I try to keep my calcium around 450 and have been trying to buffer my alkalinity up to 9 or 10. These are good values to keep in any...
  38. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    Well couple of things that occur to me right off the bat..... Are you going FO, FOWLR, or eventually doing a reef? A tall tank makes much more fun in rock scaping as it is harder to have a tall skinny reef as it is to have a long, wide, flat one... I would get rid of the marble chips...
  39. ox5477

    Starting My Own Reef Tank- The Tank Of My Dreams!

    Good to hear. I assumed you thought of this... but never wrong to mention incase it didnt come up :rolleyes: Theres alot of stuff to take into account and sometimes the most obvious things come back to bite you in the a-- later on... Can't wait to see some water in that big boy :D Ox :good:
  40. ox5477

    Fish Stolen ?

    I ffound the bandit!!!! tenohfive was right!!! regular sherlock holmes right there Ox :lol: :lol: :lol: