Can Anyone Id This Fish Please?

pirate monkey

Fish Crazy
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Wokingham, Berks
We picked this guy up yesterday, the LFS weren't sure what he was, possibly a hybrid. He had been brought in by an old lady who had been keeping NW cichlids for years but decided to dismantle her tanks.

He/she's about 6" and the bars look permanent as they haven't faded at all since we brought him/her home.



any help with what it is will be welcome! :good:
Green Terror or Blue Acara! does it have a colour fringe to its tail? best guess Blue Acara at the age you suggest in the post, a Green Terror would have developed its hump!
Green Terror or Blue Acara! does it have a colour fringe to its tail? best guess Blue Acara at the age you suggest in the post, a Green Terror would have developed its hump!
its a jack dempsy.
I own one :good:

a green terror is my avatar.
I have one of them too and It Deffo isn it.
Neither a Blue acara either
Green Terror or Blue Acara! does it have a colour fringe to its tail? best guess Blue Acara at the age you suggest in the post, a Green Terror would have developed its hump!
its a jack dempsy.
I own one :good:

a green terror is my avatar.
I have one of them too and It Deffo isn it.
Neither a Blue acara either

i must admit i have never seen a green terror looking like that, ever!!!!!!!! still here is a pic of one i took ten minutes ago.
if your talking about mine in my avatar hes a top quality adult male.
yours looks juvinile

Had a terror breeder offer me £250 for him as hes one of the best specemines hes seen.

here would be a bigger picture o him


Notice the face markings on them, exact like yours unlike the dempsy at the top.
Thanks guys, that's cool cos we wanted a jd! I've never seen one that looks like that tho, so I 'm guessing it's a female?
That is a female Jack dempsey... and from the dark bars... I would say extremely stressed.

What size tank is she in and what is the other stocking of the tank (sp and sizes please)?

Ox :good:

EDIT: Just reread the OP... and I guess it could be a hybrid... maybe a con/JD mix... though that would be very strange looking at the size difference of the two sp.... but still looks more like stress bars to me...
She's in a 77 ukg tank with 1 turquoise severum ~ 6-8", three 5" silver dollars and four 2-3" SDs and a 12" sailfin

The tank has plenty of roots and silk plants and slate caves giving lots of cover.

When we introduced her, she and the severum had a bit of lip locking, the lights were off at this point. When we turned the lights back on there was no more trouble, but the sev is definitely top fish. I haven't seen her dark bars fade at all though, not even slightly. In my limited experience of cichlids the bars seem to come and go quite quickly, especially with the severum, so I presumed it was part of her colouring. She was the same colour in the shop, and there was another in the tank who looked exactly the same, bars and all, although slightly smaller.

Her behaviour doesn't appear to be that of a stressed fish, she swims out in the open, she's feeding well, she's not hiding, and she's not being terrorised by the sev, she's alert and by all appearances seems happy and healthy, apart from these dark bars.

I don't want to keep her if she is stressed, any suggestions?
Well, if its not a hybrid... then it may be the the sev. I would say you do have a good amount of room in that tank for both for now... especially if you see no aggression, but maybe the fact that if the sev is a male and the JD being a more submissive female always feels threatened by the sev....

But, if you say there was another tank with younger JD's that look like this, maybe they did have a hybridized clutch with a con or someother species that has a dark coloration or thick black stripes (so many different species out there that arn't regularly traded).

Ox :good:

EDIT: Would it be possible to ask the lfs if you could contact the lady who brought it in possibly? Maybe if she had been keeping them and breeding them for years... and then selling the babies to the lfs... they would have a good repoir with her and know her name and maybe even her phone number. If you could get back in contact with her... maybe she can give you more info
thanks Ox,

I'll go back to the lfs and see if I can get some more information, I'll go look at the smaller one if it's still there and get a better look as well.

If the jd is just feeling threatened by the sev, even tho there's no agression, is this something that is likely to get better as she gets used to him? We haven't had her a week yet...

On another note, we had hoped to also get a firemouth and maybe a green terror if space allows, I'm guessing this would be a bad move? Should I wait and see what unfolds with our jd, or would it not be an option at all?

Zawiha, could you post a pic of your female JD if poss, I would like to compare - I've looked on internet but it's not always clear whether I'm looking at a male or female.

How likely is it that she is a hybrid - I have just remembered that there were some cons in the same tank she was in - I'll ask the lfs if they were from the lady as well.

Thank you all for your help :good:
Here is one pic, shows both a male and female (female has color along jaw and male has no color along jaw).
Click Me

Here is a male, large body and elongated anal and dorsal fins:
Click Me

Ox :good:
The fish is definitely not an acara or GT, lol

my first guess before reading anything at all was Jack Dempsey/Convict hybrid, but as said it could well just be a very stressed out Jack Dempsey
If its only been 24 hours since you added the fish then it may just need time to settle in

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