Marine Water Changes


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Plymouth, England
Hi all, this may just be a silly question but how often would you have to water change a 70gl reef set up, is it anything like you would do with a fresh water set-up, less or more. I kown the amount of live rock and all the other things would make a difference but just thinking in general.

hi Tetraking,

The major reason why people(at least me) preform water changes is to replace essential nutrients and help with the reduction of toxins. How often you change ur salt water depends on whats in ur reef, Ive read that some people havent preformed a water change in over a year without any negative effects, but thats with well established tanks and with additives no doubt. with time however you will found out whats right for you, if ur setup is a newly established one the more is better die off from rocks ect..

I change 10% every two weeks (different additives every few days)
when i started the tank I went for 15% every week I think(memory) except for a few major ones at startup...
Hope this helps
Im with Ter, every two to three weeks I change 10-20% to replace nutrients to the tank so Im not buffering like crazy...,. though I still do buffer to make sure stats are optimum.

Ox :good:
Thanks very much everyone :good: , i will be starting my sw journel in the next few weeks, i can't wait :hyper: , with support from people like you i can't really go wrong.



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