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  1. ox5477

    Engineer Goby

    Common Name/s - Convict Goby, Convict Worm Blenny Scientific Name - Pholidichthys Leucotaenia Family - Pholidichthyidae Origin - Indo-Pacific Ocean from the Philippines to Australia to the Marshall Islands Maximum Size - 12" Care - The engineer goby is a very hardy fish that is not prone to...
  2. ox5477

    Oscar With What Cichlid?

    This is the key... size is needed for these fish... o's can reach 16" with sevs easily reaching 12"+.... JD's will max out 8" for an adult male but they can be as aggressive and territorial as all other cichlids. I would prob go for atleast a 125G for one of each species along with dithers like...
  3. ox5477

    My 100 Gallon Marine Journal.

    ya... im dreading when I have to do this engineer gobies... they dont eat any corals, but they are growing fast and in a few months, they may get big enough to start undermining some parts of my rockwork.... :crazy: Prob gonna have to remove most of the lr to get them out.... Ox :unsure:
  4. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    well brittle stars are common hitch-hikers and this has the body form of a brittle star, but brittle stars are always black from what I've seen... nevermind, just googled some pictures and look what I found: Brittle Star So this most porbably a brittle star, a very good hitch-hiker to have...
  5. ox5477

    I Need A Setup Of A Map Turtle.

    well try clicking on some of the pics on google and somebody might have a FTS on their website of the turtle's habitat they keep them in. Might want to try posting in the reptiles and amphibians section here on TFF Ox :good:
  6. ox5477

    Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha Nebraska

    Ya, if they had big teeth.. it was prob the sandtiger sp... these are the most common in public aquariums or zoos because of how their craggled teeth stick out and make them that much more terrifying. The fact that they are very bulky helps to make them much more intimidating as well... even...
  7. ox5477

    Just Thought I Would

    They would bite on it and realize.. wait a minute, this isn't good tasting... and prob leave the plants alone. They may still put them where they want so be prepared for that, but I doubt they will try and eat them after a few days Ox :good:
  8. ox5477

    New Tiger

    Nice cane, hows it settling it with the rest of the stocking? Ox :good:
  9. ox5477

    I Need A Setup Of A Map Turtle.

    Google Magic: False Map Turtle Ox :good:
  10. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    Yes, I think we all saw this and learned from ski back in the day... you can still do some good things, just you will prob have to make use of the aquarium cement so things dont start toppling over on ya.... You could do a sloping wall on the back wall of your tank... you know, with a wide base...
  11. ox5477

    Set-up With No Sump

    I run my 55 without a sump and have had no problems. It would be nice have one to hide all the equip (heaters, skimmer, and such..) and maybe for a refuge to have some macroalgae, but you can run without one. I have a HOB skimmer and two Koralia 3's. Just make sure you have 1lb of liverock...
  12. ox5477

    Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha Nebraska

    I believe the first "pacu" species you described is actually one of the group of silver dollars. Maybe the redhook sp from looking at the others long anal fins (the one in the forground appears to have his bitten off)... though the dai-glo yellow spots make it seem like its not redhooks...
  13. ox5477

    Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha Nebraska

    Well I think the puffer is a dog faced puffer... and big one at that. The next is a large grouper, with the secondfish after the puffer being a large wrasse or parrot fish sp i believe? The blue spotted grouper after that is gorgeous. I once had a chance to get one of them... but nay had the...
  14. ox5477

    Easiest Sa Cichlid To Breed?

    Redundant to add, but yes, the convict cichlid is by far the JAW fish of the cichlid world. Put a group of 6 juveniles together, and you will get atleast one pair, if not two Ox :good:
  15. ox5477

    Takifugu Ocellatus

    I know little about the puffer itself besides it can be a bear to keep as their captivity rates are dismal... they will just stop eating one day... Yes, they are quite beautiful and from the specimen I saw two years ago, can be quite active and interactive with their owner. The coloration is...
  16. ox5477

    Huge 900g Tank Project

    Nothing impressive... CFC obviosly isn't commited to fish keeping and I think he should give all his fish up.... ;) Ox
  17. ox5477

    Starting Marines

    It said bidding had ended.... but u dont have to drill through the bottom and you def shouldn't if the bottom is tempered glass, but since you gave a link to the UK eBay I take it ur in the UK? So most tanks you find over there will be non-temepered bottoms.... but still I would make sure...
  18. ox5477

    Starting Marines

    Yes, dont rush anything... better to take your time and be sure your first few runs through setting up a marine tank :good: For lighting it does vary quite a bit... hard corals need intense light usually found in what a halide offers though sometimes multiple T5's can be used (4-6 tubes)...
  19. ox5477

    My Shark

    It does look like a port Jackson... hopefully it doesn't reach the 1.6m stated as its max size.. :crazy: Love the texture of the skin... almost looks furry :D Ox :good:
  20. ox5477

    Can U Id This Fish

    haha :lol:
  21. ox5477

    Takifugu Ocellatus

    Buy Me!!!I swear I won't just stop eating one day or even take a bite out of the thermometer behind me... I swear :rolleyes:
  22. ox5477

    A Site I Came Across

    well I do feel bad about him losing that big tank, but when I have spent thousands of dollars on a beautiful set-up like that, its worth it to spend the extra thousand or two to be back-ups incase there is a leak, a borken skimmer or broekn RO or anything.... well worth the money Ox :good:
  23. ox5477

    Is This A Nice Metal Halide?

    ok cool, sorry, didnt check out the page, just went off the pic that said 442W Thanks Ox :good:
  24. ox5477

    Uh Centipedes?

    ok, well just plan for a longer cure time on the rock, dont get jumpy and put something in after two weeks.... I wouldnt be sure how the bacteria will react to the coldwater dip... like I said, it will prob kill everything.... Ox :good:
  25. ox5477

    A Site I Came Across

    ya... but come on.... with that sized tank, he should have a good sized RO, so let it run for a night to atleast make some ro and then change over with that. I would rather risk the tank running as is without a skimmer for 12 hours then replace with tap water...prob will still be some loss, but...
  26. ox5477

    Is This A Nice Metal Halide?

    cool good price... if it was time to change my 125 over to marine, I would look into 2 of these... but that wont be for at least another 7 to 10 years (depending on how long my cichlids last) Good find Ox :good: Hey, what wattage is the halide.... I would assume the pc's are 55 a piece and...
  27. ox5477

    Uh Centipedes?

    I think it would kill anything in the rock.... Ox :good:
  28. ox5477

    Takifugu Ocellatus

    Good stuff. Glad to hear it doing good for u. Hope it stays that way for as long as possible. Bad history with keeping them in captivity... Ran into one of these guys 2 years ago when starting out fishkeeping... at the time, glad didnt get as was way under experienced to deal with the...
  29. ox5477

    Is This A Nice Metal Halide?

    wow, 230 pounds or 230 us dollars? Ox :blink:
  30. ox5477

    A Site I Came Across

    This is a cool site. This guy had a pretty nice huge set-up and then he did a massive series of water changes with tap water.... stupid move.... all of his corals died.... I dont know why he did that.... with a set-up of that size, I would of hoped the dude knew about saltwater reef chemistry...
  31. ox5477

    Oscars And Green Terrors

    ya, prob do need a bigger tank, but depending on what size your oscar is, you could try getting a Juve GT... if the o doesn't see the other fish as a threat... it most often will not even pay any attention to it.... for example, I have two juve sevs in with my adult male JD.... the only time he...
  32. ox5477

    Thinking Of Setting Up Sa Tank

    I agree with mixnfishy.... giving cichlids the most territory you can is the way to go. Tanks you see on YouTube with 10 or 15 large cichlids in a 55G US tank is just cruel as no fish is allowed to claim any territory and more often then not a few or many of the fish get beat up and then get...
  33. ox5477

    Photo Of My Red Devil

    Nice big guy! What have ya got him in with? Looks like I saw a GT in one pic and a sev in another? If you got a FTS that would cool as well Ox :good:
  34. ox5477

    Can U Id This Fish

    If everybody wants to meet at my place, im down. You guys bring the steaks and Ill supply the beverages!! oo.. and you pay your own travel expenses... :shifty: Ox :lol:
  35. ox5477

    How Big Do Oscars Get?

    Yea I know what you mean shelag, the flowerhorns are brilliant and have awesome personalities. One in my local lfs is going for $259.99 US right now, and he is only 3"...... amazing the prices for these guys Ox :good:
  36. ox5477

    Can U Id This Fish

    Yep... I guess some wanted her to be able to come back under "supervision" but the mods arn't decided yet I dont think... I would assume the final decision is William's as it is his site Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Fish Jumping

    during my move, I bucketed up all my danios/sd's (the sd's were still quite small). Well when I had the first few danios in the bucket... they decided they didnt like it in there so they started jumping out.... well after this happened twice... finally learned to cover the bucket in between...
  38. ox5477

    Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

    As BigC said... dont rush it... good things come to those who are patient and wait Ox :good:
  39. ox5477

    Thinking Of Starting Up A Sw Tank.

    Hahahahahahaha :lol:
  40. ox5477

    Please Help Coral Not Come Out For Days

    well if it hasn't come out then there is either something wrong with the water chemistry or something is stinging/attacking it most likely. The third and forth pic appear to be a species of snail The fifth... cant think of the name of it.... damn The sixth pic is a colony of mushrooms...