Cj's 33gal Nano Journal

yea the controller came with the pumps in the one box - all the same brand!!!

i want time to go FASTER!
Nice initial pics Charlie.
i want time to go FASTER!
That simply aint gonna happen, it took me nearly a year before I placed the first coral in the aquarium. (That was the extreme as I had quite a considerable amount of Die Off)
There are many many more trials and tribulations in store for you yet....
Take things slowly, stick with it no-matter what, consult the Guru's on here with your problems... it will all come together in the end
Where abouts in Australia do you hail from...
i come from melbourne - south east... sandringham (near black rock and mentone etc)
i hope i dont have to wait any longer than a few months before fish and coral!!!
some growth and colour on the LR since last post




some green plant

side view of the tank - the clam shell thing and the green plant
notice the deep colored red growth on the rock towards the middle

anyone have any aquascaping ideas???

im going to get more LR today - aquascape it and then start a waterchange - and put sand or marble chips in...(anyone have thoughts on this - should i go with sand or marble chips)
ok got more LR - aquascaping is so hard!!!

i put the sand in aswell but it has clouded the water so much! i thought i washed it well

anyways i think i have a challenge on my hands! aquascaping LR is difficult in a tall narrow tank!

also my in hood filter has bubbles coming out of the outlets - very annoying
i cant figure it out!
anyways i think i have a challenge on my hands! aquascaping LR is difficult in a tall narrow tank!

Yes, I think we all saw this and learned from ski back in the day... you can still do some good things, just you will prob have to make use of the aquarium cement so things dont start toppling over on ya....

You could do a sloping wall on the back wall of your tank... you know, with a wide base at the bottom and having everything leaning back and on the back wall of the tank. This might leave some dead spots, but unless you get real creative, theres not much else to do.

Ox :good:
Yup. I've had experience with those tanks, real PITA to work with. Best solutions are epoxy putty and even better, skewering rocks on small bits of carbon fiber rod
yea i think ill have to do that - where do i buy the putty??? are the instructions on it?
im thinkin i have to just take the rock out (dry it??) and place it how i want and put it back in yes???

here are some pics from yesterday - i put in more LR and i put in the substrate

whole tank

close on right side

close on middle

close on left side

side view of left side - lots of life on this rock! if you look up the tank - theres a little thing thats stuck to the glass - what is it? there are two of them - about .5cm long they just crawl around slowly

closer look at the rock on the side - blurry look at the white starfish thing and a blue worm

there is brain coral in the back ground

trying to get a better pic of the star thing

i hope this ends up working for me - its so hard!!!
Most marine specialtiy stores will sell it. Its basically a tube of putty. You cut off little sections, mold/knead it in your hands, and then apply it to where you want it to hold. Works underwater too ;)
well brittle stars are common hitch-hikers and this has the body form of a brittle star, but brittle stars are always black from what I've seen... nevermind, just googled some pictures and look what I found:

Brittle Star

So this most porbably a brittle star, a very good hitch-hiker to have :good:

The little things crawling on the glass could be hitch-hiker snails, or half shell slugs. Could be some kind of nudibranch as well. without a picture of it, it would be hard to say

Ox :good:
thanks for all the replies people!

the thing on the glass is a weird white thing that can stretch out with like a fan at the end of a funnel - it sucks itself back in when i turn the lights on - ill keep trying to get a pic!

here are more pics - i got more rock and i moved it around a lil - thoughts???

before the last addition of LR!



Left hand side of the tank

Closer front view of the tank!

all in all im pretty happy with it so far, im gonna start testing tomorrow and ill put the stats up here for you all to advise me of the errors i am probably making!

i hope i can get something living (other than rock) in there soon!

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