Uh Centipedes?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2008
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bristleworms are cool !

or if its a eunice (sp?) worm there not so, i remeber seeing a story about one that got to monsterous size and was hiding in sump pipework.
YEah bristle worms are good, they eat leftover food and dead fish and rotting things. :D
yeah i know what a bristle worm is but that does not look like a bristle worm that looks like a freaking centipede. i mean besides bristle worms having some venom is there anything like crazy that comes in live rock in worm shape that could kill me.
i dunno about venom but a 16 foot eunicid worm would certainly give me a heart attack if i found one.
i dunno about venom but a 16 foot eunicid worm would certainly give me a heart attack if i found one.

i can agree...now if you take rock and soak it in ice cold fresh water will that kill any type of bristle worm eunicid worm?
I think it would kill anything in the rock....

Ox :good:

well sounds like a plan then...my new tank all the rock is gonna say hello to ice cold freshwater then ima re plant it with copepods.
ok, well just plan for a longer cure time on the rock, dont get jumpy and put something in after two weeks.... I wouldnt be sure how the bacteria will react to the coldwater dip... like I said, it will prob kill everything....

Ox :good:
the worm in the video is def a eunice worm. They can get big if left and will eat its surroundings, corals etc. They come out at night when your lights are out. If you want to see a whole other marine world, get a red led light and have a look in the tank with no lights on.....it will scare ya!
hmm anouther thing now to worry bout with the 120kg of live rock im getting next week! here i was thinking the current outbreak of mantis shrimp was all i had to worry bout XD
there IS nothing to worry about, just bristleworms, they're not going to kill you... the only commonly found thing that has killed like 1 or 2 hobbiests is zoanthids, and they died through neglect.
I think it would kill anything in the rock....

Ox :good:

ok, well just plan for a longer cure time on the rock, dont get jumpy and put something in after two weeks.... I wouldnt be sure how the bacteria will react to the coldwater dip... like I said, it will prob kill everything....

Ox :good:

Incorrect, wouldnt be able to get deep in the pores fast enough and some bacteria and pods and algae pores and stuff will stay, enough to leave it as live rock. Bleach SOAK (not dip) and constant rinsing (rock will be a very ugly white afterwards), or a COMPLETE dry out and then boil are the two most commonly found methods. Boiling can cause the rock to explode causing serious damage.

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