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  1. E

    plant problems

    Unless you bought lighting specifically with plants in mind, or bought plants with low-lighting in mind, you probably don't have nearly enough light. The typical hood doesn't (and usually shouldn't since it's just asking for algae problems in non-planted tanks).
  2. E

    1/2 gallon containers ok temporarily

    Just change the water frequently.
  3. E


    I drop mosquito larvae and gnats and such in there sometimes. People will tell you it's better not to to avoid disease and toxins and such... but if you ask me, sterile conditions make for weak fish.
  4. E

    How do most of you keep bettas ?

    Depends on how big the bowl is of course. Above a gallon it's usually ok... preferrably a little more. Heating is necessary if the water is typically under 70F, however heaters also help to buffer against temperature shifts that occur pretty quickly in small quantities of water (i.e. the bowl is...
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    Uncle is losing his mind

    He should give his brain to someone else if he isn't going to use it. :)
  6. E

    Do Fish Hurt?

    I think in this case it's important to be ethical more for your sake than for the sake of the fish. I don't think fish care one way or the other if they live or die... "care" isn't something in their cognitive realm. Again, this isn't something that goes over well on a fish forum, but I see fish...
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    New Fish

    My otos rarely hang out together. Same with my cories. I seem to get all the anti-social social fish.
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    Do Fish Hurt?
  9. E

    Wots every 1s light watt not sure if i hav nuff.

    Enough for what? The fish won't care, but live plants will.
  10. E

    Are any algicides safe for plants?

    An amano shrimp or a red cherry shrimp will probably eat it... I think Siamese Algae Eaters will too... not sure. I believe this stuff is safe for plants, though it may starve them a little temporarily.
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    Iodine and amano shrimp molting

    I read somewhere the other day that people will feed shrimp spinach specifically to get some iodine in their systems, but I can't find it now. Oh well.
  12. E

    Shrimp and betta

    Depends on if it looks like food to the betta or not.
  13. E

    Has anyone's Limnophila sessiflora turned red?

    Argh... I was going to ask to buy someone's cuttings, but none of you guys are in the US. I wonder if there are any problems with shipping live plants from Canada. Anyone in the US have some cuttings they'd just throw away?
  14. E

    What do you do during power failures?

    That's why I don't use heaters unless I really have to.
  15. E

    Most horrible thing i have ever seen!!

    That's one of the reasons I hate dropsy... it just looks awful. Makes me cringe. Dropsy is swelling that could be caused by any number of things. There's no way of really knowing the cause... so treating it typically isn't very successful. :unsure: And since you can't really know the cause...
  16. E

    Iodine and amano shrimp molting

    You can feed them cooked spinach... that has iodine in it.
  17. E

    It is now illegal to be alive

    Maybe you can't use their air without paying a fee first. :) Is that Gaelic? I didn't realize it was still used commonly enough to warrant bilingual signs.
  18. E

    plant help and planting tip

    If you want plants that like a lot of light in an aquarium under 20 gallons, you have to start with about 40-50 watts minimum. The WPG "rule" starts to fall apart in tanks that small.
  19. E

    cory discoloration

    Cories seem to get all pale when they're really freaked out (i.e. getting moved to a new location). I would think he'd be used to the new aquarium within a few days though.
  20. E

    10 gal tank set up

    I can't comment on Bio-Spira... but I did basically what you're doing, with fewer cories. Instead of using Bio-Spira I used about a pound of gravel from an established tank. All the fish involved are perfectly healthy without the slightest sign of discomfort along the way. Don't let all the...
  21. E

    Picture of green tank

    Yum, green water. I got hit with that one too. I got rid of it by having the light on only a few hours a day for a week or so. Of course it just recently came back, but that's because I stirred up all the gravel a lot redoing the tank (I'm guessing). I have more plants in there this time so...
  22. E

    Algea On Plants....

    I have a jar full of snails. When a plant is hopelessly algae-d and needs cleaning I drop it in the jar. A few days later it's spotless. Note: Does not work on plants snails eat. :)
  23. E

    Look at my aquascape

    He mentioned it in the post... Ech. (Echinodorus) tenellus. Something I'd like to try someday too.
  24. E

    Look at my aquascape

    Definitely a worthy applicant... awesome job. Good luck with it. :thumbs:
  25. E

    i need microworms

    Hmm, you'd think airmail would be quicker, not slower. Maybe they ran into customs trouble. Guess this tells me I can't mail to Canada. Do you want me to send the money back now or wait a little bit? I sent them a week ago exactly.
  26. E

    300 litre Community

    Very nice. :thumbs:
  27. E


    It's probably blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). Improving water circulation/aeration seems to be one of the ways to slow it down (I only have it in a tank with pretty still water).
  28. E

    3 week fry

    I'm pretty sure they do get some oxygen... just not enough to sustain them indefinitely.
  29. E

    name some common diseases

    Dropsy would be a sign of several possible disease too... it's technically a symptom.
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    Budgies in cages

    Yeesh. All of you have the birds' best interest in mind. Why isn't that enough?
  31. E

    Dwarf puffers and shrimps together?

    The thread currently right under yours is called "Bought some Ghost Shrimp for my DP's"... I have a feeling it answers your shrimp questions. :)
  32. E

    How can i prevent algae from growing in my tank?

    I'd add an hour or two of darkness in the middle of the day (if you're using a timer). Algae isn't complex enough to repeatedly start and stop the photosynthesis process gracefully... or it's less able to than the plants are anyway. It'll help the plants outcompete the algae. Might make a dent.
  33. E

    Jewel of the Rift

    I don't think National Geo makes bad products. :)
  34. E

    BWs, MWs, BBS, VEs

    I've found this harvesting method (particularly the note at the bottom) is much much easier:
  35. E

    My Microworms Arent Crawling Up

    I've noticed a small container that's more tall than flat works well. I tried a culture in a wide container once and all the worms just kind of congealed. I think there was too much surface area and it was too easy for the moisture to escape. When I use one of those tall butter containers I...
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    There's something about BBS..

    Their magical shelf-sitting abilities is called "diapause". Sad that I know that.
  37. E

    My Microworms Arent Crawling Up

    Harvest them this way and your problems will be solved: (specifically the update at the bottom) I don't use yeast at all and I have constant access to all the worms I could ever need.
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    Best way to breed snails...

    :o I've mastered the art of snail and algae growth. I want to trade tanks.
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    Betta Plants with no care

    Java fern is usually the all-purpose low light plant.
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    In bad lighting my hornwort shed all its needles and didn't really recover. In nice lighting I have a combined 4 feet of bushy hornwort at least. :) Huge difference in my experience anyway.