Uncle is losing his mind

Grim Reaper

Fish Addict
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wembley, London, U.K
My uncle came down to my house 2day and he told me that I shouldn’t keep real and fake plants together, he told me that I should only keep 1 kind if I use real plant only use real plants and if I use fake plants only use fake plants he said that the fake plants release toxic and will kill my plants and fishes, I told him that is ok 2 use both plants and he told me ‘don’t tell me when ur fish and plants die’
he never liked my fishes :angry:

is this true??? i dont think so but just asking 2 be sure

Picture of fake and real plant together

The bottom plant is fake and the jave furn is real
I think it is a steaming pile of "tottenham hotspur"
plastic plants cannot release toxins or they wouldn't be on the market.
I think you need to tell your uncle to eat a big bag of...


Haha...I really think your uncle is either incredibly stupid (no offence...!) or is just winding you up.

If he is so convinced fake plants release toxins, why would it be ok to use fake plants by themselves?! I also think there would've been some complaints by now if ALL fake plants in lfs killed everyone's fish. :/
clutterydrawer said:
Haha...I really think your uncle is either incredibly stupid (no offence...!) or is just winding you up.

If he is so convinced fake plants release toxins, why would it be ok to use fake plants by themselves?! I also think there would've been some complaints by now if ALL fake plants in lfs killed everyone's fish. :/
Great point
Been using both in the same tank for 20-25 years. Never had a problem, although I do prefer real plants. ;)

Uncle is pulling your leg, or has had a bad experience himself and wrongly blamed it on plants.
Hi Grim Reaper :)

Your tank is so attractive with the mixture of real and artificial plants that (being no plant expert ) I would not have know the difference if you had not pointed it out. :thumbs:

I have never heard of plastic plants causing a problem, but silk plants might if the dye is not stable. Of course, many people use them with no problems.

If your fish are healthy, don't worry about it. :D
endparenthesis said:
He should give his brain to someone else if he isn't going to use it. :)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I second that! lol Do the real plants tget jelious and attepmt to kill the fake ones of something like that :dunno:
clutterydrawer said:
Haha...I really think your uncle is either incredibly stupid (no offence...!) or is just winding you up.
None taken, he did have fishes and the past he have guppies but the all died (10 of them) in 1 night we still dont know the reason i think it was my cousin hes a 5 year old kid he all way used to open the top to put papers boats and hes toys in there my uncle used to tell him off but he never listen to him....
He should give his brain to someone else if he isn't going to use it.



I would thank him and tell him you've decided to take his advice and won't tell him when fish and plants die if he will do the same and not speak to you whilst they are alive. :D

Or you could tell him you've been thinking about what he said and you are quite concerned :unsure: and ask him to explain further about the process and reason that causes fake plants release toxins when mixed with live plants, that they don't release when they are only in a tank with other fake plants, watch him stuttering trying to dig his way out of that one :lol:.

I wouldn't worry about what he says, most families have a know it all (really know naff all) uncle that is the embarrasment of every one, you seem to have found yours.

Nice looking tank by the way


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