There's something about BBS..


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
...that is really disturbing -_-

As anybody who has ever hatched bbs knows,they're strange little creatures. I live and breathe baby brine shrimp but I don't fully understand them as a creature. I mean the eggs can sit on a shelf for years and just a little water, salt and aeration brings them to life. But here's where it gets mind boggling. Lately I've been forgetting that I'm in the middle of I leave the coffee filter with bbs draining and they get all dried out. I've sometimes left them for over an hour.I used to just chunk the filter and start over when that happened but the other day I was so desperate I decided to just feed the dead bbs along with more that I was harvesting in a second. When I squirted water on top of the dead ones....they sprung to life :eek:
Not to mention the osmosis shock they must go through when they're taken from brine water and added directly to fresh with no acclimation.

Very strange creatures. Just thought I'd ramble :p
are brine shrimp the same as sea monkeys? if so, I seem to remmeber tehres somehting on that explains how tehy stay alive for so long in sch adverse conditions.

they are weird though :blink:
Yes,they're the same.,aaay? :shifty: I may have to check that out when I get some free time because now I'm just curious :dunno:
Ah, so I guess a cat doesn't stay at the top rank with "nine lives" :lol:

Very weird.
That's pretty interesting. Maybe I should buy that bag of brine shrimp eggs at the lfs. :D
do bbs reproduce? or do you just buy like 100 eggs and 85 or whatever will hatch ?

or is there a way to culture them?

i remember my sea monkeys what i was younger.. id just shake their little tank and theyd be swimming around again lol
Oh sweet. They're really interesting creatures.. too bad they're such prized food.
Just looking at I'm tempted to buy the three packets it takes to make the seamonkeys and just... keep them to... feed.. to my.. vicious bettas... erm.. I'm so desperate for live food for them, lol. I'm not too crazy about buying them already live off of the net. Brines that is.

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