My Microworms Arent Crawling Up


Pocket Full Of Fish
Feb 5, 2004
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I recently made new cultures a few days ago and I havent seen my micros climbing what should I do...?

This is the first time this happends.... :X

Is weird actually after I make a new culture I get more Micros this time there isnt nothing.

What happend?

What Can I Do?
You sure it's alive? Can you see the surface of the media moving? You can set the container somewhere warm if you want the worms to reproduce faster, if they are still alive.
Why wouldnt they be alive....?

I see a few of them in the sides....A few like 80 in total...

What should I do Julie?
i have the same problem. i restarted the culture but there was this filmy gross stuff on top of it, i coudln't for the life of me figuer out waht ti is :/ but wahtever it is it's preventing my cluture from getting to the surface.
You might have some expired yeast? I had a problem with my culture, and tried with a new package of yeast and in the morning it was crawling with worms. :nod:

i think the root of my problem is the yeast, however with my newest culture i didn't put yeast in at all, just some oatmeal/bread/water and then i swiped some worms off the side of my other culture and put it in.

:crazy: it's driving me nuts!!! i have no idea what i'm doing wrong but it seems like all my cultures are spoiled becuase of this.

the yeast at my house ahs been sitting there for...quite a few years :*) there' sno expiry date on it, but i think ti's time for ones :S
:) :lol: lol cc, I would almost bet money on it. My yeast only lasted for maybe 6 months max, and then it was just not producing. You don't necessarily have to add yeast when starting a new culture from an old one, because there is usually enough in the sample you add. However, I add yeast anyway because I've found it gives a much bigger, and faster, yield. Also, if you just swiped them off the side there wasn't any yeast with them, so that's another problem. No worm food! Get some new yeast and tell me how it works out for you. :nod: (You might be able to find packages like I do, then you can just open one and use it for awhile before moving on to the next one.)

Sorry for hijacking, I hope this helps you too Joker!
cool thanks julie :D

i still dont' know waht that filmy stuff th'ats suffocating my worms is. i think it's becuase i put TOO much yeast....but apparently if i dont' add yeast that means there's no food for the worms! :S :S :S maybe ti's the bread -_-

if i add oatmeal and yeast and then worms, would that work?
Haha personally, I say screw the bread, I don't use it. I just use oatmeal and yeast and have never had a problem. :thumbs: That might also be an issue for you, it's getting rotten.
I use bread because I think the oatmeal gets too smelly :sick: I had the same problem though,they weren't crawling up the sides and I came to the same conclusion about the yeast. I had a HUGE bag I got from Costco some time ago and it expired last year :lol: I got some fresh and viola...worms ahoy!
wuvmybetta said:
I use bread because I think the oatmeal gets too smelly :sick: I had the same problem though,they weren't crawling up the sides and I came to the same conclusion about the yeast. I had a HUGE bag I got from Costco some time ago and it expired last year :lol: I got some fresh and viola...worms ahoy!
Ill try that I guess.....
i tried that method, but the paper towel only dried up my cluture to flakes overnight :/

i think i'm goign to run out and get some fresh yeast!
cutecotton said:
i tried that method, but the paper towel only dried up my cluture to flakes overnight :/
I've noticed a small container that's more tall than flat works well. I tried a culture in a wide container once and all the worms just kind of congealed. I think there was too much surface area and it was too easy for the moisture to escape. When I use one of those tall butter containers I never have to add moisture... as long as there's a lid on it (with a couple holes) it's self-sustaining until the oatmeal goes bad.

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