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  1. C

    Sudden Tank Illness

    Ok so you actually pay someone to maintain your tank? Not quite following you. If they obviously have ick they need to be treated. Discuss are very weak when it comes to changes in water, PH, and having never had them or kept them i would wait untill someone more expeiernced with the...
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    Blue, Gold, And Pearl Gouramis

    I have 10 gouramis in my 65g loach tank. I have 3 (3spot) 3 opaluines and 4 honey. All get along great now that they are in a much larger tanks. They were in a 29g. and i had some fights, probably because they were getting cramped, but all were purchased as babies, now they are almost full...
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    Should I Get A Snail?

    HI!!! Welcome! How long have you been doing the 10 hours a day lighting? Do you have real or fake plants? If fake plants you could probably cut the lighting down another couple hours and keep tank on 8 hours a day. There will be plenty of natural daylight in the room for the fish. This will help...
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    Is All Well With Well Water?

    We have our own well too where I live in Aurora, IL. I have 7 tanks and all of them doing very good. I havent had ANY death realated to water or the water quality. In fact i think the well water is far more beneficial for the extra minerals naturally in it. However, if you take it to be tested...
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    Mis-identified Cichlids

    Thanks and yes i agree 29g way tooooo small. We plan on getting it within next couple months. As it stands now the firemouths are about 2 inches wide and 3-4" long. The convicts are about 2' long and starting to get their colors. Thanks for opinion.
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    Mis-identified Cichlids

    Hi. Ive been on this site for many months and just recently joined. I am very familiar with cycling tanks, and different diseases and have some years of fish keeping experience. However we are just now getting into cichlids and after much research deceided Africans our best choice for the water...
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    Whats Wrong With My Fish?

    I know how frustrating it is to need help and not know what to do. The food you are feeding them is highly nutricious. They may not be digesting it all and therefore red poop (color of food is coming back out) sometimes this theory can be proven if any of your fish is eating their poo. (I know...
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    White Cotton-like Growth

    B)-->QUOTE(Lynda B @ Jul 11 2007, 07:46 AM) 1687173 Why have you never done more than a 10 gallon change? That's a pretty small water change for a 55 gallon tank. I totally agree lynda. Fresh fish love fresh water. When in their natural habitat, streams, lakes, rivers, have a constant flow of...
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    Two Different Meds...need Answer Fast...

    I was going to last night and changed mind. I smelled the melofix and smelled nothing but menthol. Id rather treat the gourami in my hospital tank. trying to e-mail these places are nuts. Never return calls or e-mails. I e-mailed API almost 2 weeks ago and still havent got answer back. Ill try...
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    Where Is The Nitrite?

    I am assuming you guys are doing the fishless cycle....It in theory is suppose to be faster...Who was adding ammonia to tank while on short trip? There has to be a constant supply of ammonia to keep bacteria that eats it happy...the ammonia cycle can last 10-14 days. The nitrite cycle will last...
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    Two Different Meds...need Answer Fast...

    I have a 29g tank. with several gouramis 3 burmese borders 2 yo-yos and 6 dojos. I am treating my burmese borders for the "wasting disease" and this is my second treatment with levasmole. However yesterday i noticed one of my gouramis has an open sore near his mouth and eye about 1mm long and...
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    Thinkin' About It.

    and i believe white clouds are cold water fish. Kuhlis do better in bigger groups, 3-5.
  13. C

    Can Or Should I Do A Water Change?

    It almost sounds like you may have added more fish than needed to after tank had cycled. Only a few at a time is a good idea. How many did you add after cycle was complete? ick is the easiest disease to treat. no need to worry too much about levels. But good idea to test during treatment and if...
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    White Cotton-like Growth

    Regular filter changes? Are you changing the whole filter? Doing this will cause your tank to recycle just about everytime you change it. I only change filter if i absolutely have to. I rinse off the gook and stuff in old tank water during water change day. Most of your bacteria is in there...
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    Levels Seem To Be Getting Straight Now

    Once cycling is done as stated above, It would be good to add to your tetras..maybe 4-5 more tetras..and defineatley 2-3 more cories as your only bottom feeder. Cories (if small) have a general rule which is 2 cories for every 5 gallons...If larger cories then 1 per 5 gallons. Get a QT tank if...
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    Complete Tropical Fish Vigin

    Welcome to the fourm as well. Im not new at fish keeping just new to this fourm . Never knoew there was a place to talk about fish and help out newcomers...:) I have: 5g betta/Shrimp/Snail 10g community Barbs, Rasboras, and cories 10g QT/Hospital 29g: Planted community tank....8 tetras, 4...
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    Sore Guppy

    I would do a lot of water changes to help her heal.. As a matter of fact do a lot of water changes for both thanks in the next 2 weeks. About 3-4 a week. This will help greatly in the healing process. Melafixwill help ith the cuts and fins as well and will not harm your bacteria media. I would...
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    Gourami With Sore Head

    You should really get a test kit for yourself (the kind you drop in) API is reccommended. Also, dont trust any LFS when they say "fine". numbers help greatly. their fine and our fine is totally different. I agree, to treat right away. Sounds bacterial.
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    Tank Temperature

    If you are that worried i would say float some ice packs in tank to lower temp to 1-1.5 degrees. Dont do it too much (if fish are in tank) I do believe you should be ok though. If your tank is larger than 29 gallon this approach may not work and someone with more experience may need to help....
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    Clown Loach Issue

    Clown loaches need more company to stay healthy and active. It helps builds their confidence and they love to feel each others company. Without more; 1 would surely die. 3 is a bare minimum. That is why you are experiencing some problems. Slowly add a couple more over the next few weeks. Also...
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    Help Filter Went Off

    I would imagine it would be ok since it was in your tank and the kind where the media is left in. Not sure if water need to be constant though.
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    My Corys'

    As i have heard cories need a minimum of 6 to thrive and be happy, however i have 6 cories 4 are the same 2 are albinos and i always find that 1 albino and 1 emerald go off to themselves unless food is involved. As far as the fins, sometimes they can become caught in nets and other fish may be...
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    Clown Loach Issue

    So they are still not coming outta caves/hiding places? Are they eating? They shoulda came out by now..typical loach behaviour is to hide once introduced, some exploring but they make sure the coast is clear.. Any whitespots u can see? redness around gills, fuzzy patches? Clowns are so...
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    Cichlids With Ick Or Something!

    Thanks A bunch!!! Will Do. Ill Keep you posted.
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    Cichlids With Ick Or Something!

    Ok Just a breif into. I have 5 tanks 29g community 20g QT 5g betta 65g Loach Tank 85g Soon to be cichlids home! All tanks are cycled 20g is QT it has 16 African Cichlids in it. Been running 2-3weeks 0 AMM 0 Nitrites 20 nitrates 8.0 PH I know its overstocked please dont yell My fiance had to...
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    10 Gallon Tank, I Think My Fish May Have Ick?

    I've also noticed You are probably at your max capacity for your tank I wouldnt add anymore. 6 glowlights shrimp 3 cories thats good stocking for a 10g. :)
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    Clown Loach Issue

    What are You're other tankmates? I'd keep an extra eye out for the newer ones that made it..Just Incase. Very sorry he didnt make it.
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    Gay Fish?

    I think its crazy that in this day and age someone thinks a fish to be gay... Animals do not exhibit homosexuality in the wild nor in our aquariums. Only humans, who do not know any better.
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    Mini Fiddler Crabs - Help Please

    I dont know much about fiddlers, only that they are brackish water creatures, males have 1 larger arm which they wave to attract females and they will shed skin on a regular basis. During the shedding skin they are vulnerable and weaker. They need calcium in their diet and I believe they...
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    Just A Hello

    Just Wanted to say Hello, and I'm new to this site and hobby. However i already have no need in asking me to get bigger tanks...already have