Right, I Actually Think I Am Cycled!


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Does this look ok now?

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7.6
Nitrate 0

Am I there? Am I? Is this finally it? *bites nails* :rolleyes:
Have you in the past had high Nitrate levels? There should be some sort of reading on your nitrate when the tank is fully cycled. What method of cycling did you do?
We had a few fish in it cuz we didnt know about fishless cycling.

The nitrate was 20 yesterday..not sure why its showing nothing today.
We had a few fish in it cuz we didnt know about fishless cycling.

The nitrate was 20 yesterday..not sure why its showing nothing today.
this could be either because you did a water change or you have plants that feeds on nitrate, or maybey you have a nitrate removal spounge in your filter system. If theres ammonia present and dropps back to 0 ppm within 12 hours this means ur cycled
There is no ammonia present....

There has not been for a few days now.
There is no ammonia present....

There has not been for a few days now.
ohh, I must have got confused with your other post. Ye, i think you are okay as you say, there has been nitrate unlill w/c. Some people gets 20 ppm nitrate straight from tap and others, like myself has 0! I think you are fully cycled! lol
Sorry, I confuse myself lol

These are the readings over the last couple of weeks.

Nice chart! I was starting to think my husband and I were the only ones who kept charts like that. Way to go!!! Whoot! :good:
you got your tank cycled very fast! Well done, I would have expected nitrite to go a little higher off the chart
We lost a couple of fish along the way, but we have certainly learnt by our mistakes.

We used ammo chips, and cycle to fix it....and lots of water changes :)

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