Blue, Gold, And Pearl Gouramis


New Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Hi, Im interested in Gold, Blue, and Pearl Gouramis. Since I have not kept any of these before, I have some questions. Which of these can be kept together? And how big of a tank would you recommend for a group of six of any of these kinds? Thank you for your help.
Gold/Blue's can be quite nasty fish even when in groups, But pearls are lovely fish and you can easily keep a pair in a 24"+ tank, but all these fish do better in larger tanks and 24" long being min size for a pair or adults.
I have 4 pearls, an opaline, 2 banded, 2 paradise, 2 gold, 4 honey and 4 dwarf gouramis in a 125G tank. They get on pretty well. Every now and then you see one chasing another, but it's not been more than that - and I think they're particularly agitated with the temp so high (about 84-85F)

I suspect they wouldn't get along so well if they couldn't get away from each other.
I have Gold, Blue, and Pearl Gouramis, and they all turn out fine! They don't fight with each other or anything.. They're very peaceful fish... :)
Trichogaster trichopterus which include 3 spot gourami, blue gourami, golden gourami, opaline gourami are the most agressive of the Gourami's so I would have suggested keeping these ones together but by the looks of everyones experience with Gourami's they all seem to get along :)
I have 10 gouramis in my 65g loach tank.
I have 3 (3spot) 3 opaluines and 4 honey. All get along great now that they are in a much larger tanks.
They were in a 29g. and i had some fights, probably because they were getting cramped, but all were purchased as babies, now they are almost full grown. :)
Beautiful fish great to watch and they even will feed from your hand, very curious too, they need ALOT of plants to feel secure.

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