Clown Loach Issue


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2007
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On sunday, i got 3 clown loaches from a LFS. They are all about 2..5-3 inches long. Immedietly after i put them in the tank (75 gallon, 4ft) they swam to the bottom and began hiding behind/ in a rock formation that i built. Since then, they have rarely ventured out. They hide almost all day. I only see one of them on a regular basis. The other 2 stay hidden 99% of the time.

This morning, i wake up, and one of the hiders is out. The only problem is, he looks strange. His color is good, but it definetly has the fattest belly of the 3. His swiming looks very labored, and he has been just lying around out in the open. Just a few minutes ago, he was basically standing straight up. in the corner near a rock.

I know that clowns are known to play dead on occasion, but i think this is diferent. Other fish swim right up to it, and it doesnt move. I can put a net an inch in front of its face, no reaction. As of right now, its lying between a plant and a piece of wood and is not moving

What is up with my fish? Again, color looks good, but he seems very sluggish and non responsive.

edit: water parameters- temp 76 degrees, amonia and nitrite 0, nitrate between 10 and 20. ph around 7.2

other 2 clowns are still in constant hiding, but swim and look ok when they do come out. ive also seen them both eat. the other one refuses food and looks bloated.
Try some shelled peas on the fish.
If that fish is laboured breathing and bloated not good he's dying.
Cook frozen peas for a few minutes, let cook down, pop out of shell mush between fingers and add to the tank.
Any of your clown loaches look skinny.
Try some shelled peas on the fish.
If that fish is laboured breathing and bloated not good he's dying.
Cook frozen peas for a few minutes, let cook down, pop out of shell mush between fingers and add to the tank.
Any of your clown loaches look skinny.

the others look to be normal weight

edit: just got back from my basketball game and checked the tank. Poor little fella didnt make it. RIP
Could've been stress, or maybe some sort of internal bacterial infection or something that was brought on by the stress of moving to a new tank.. who knows.

RIP lil clowny.
What are You're other tankmates?
I'd keep an extra eye out for the newer ones that made it..Just Incase.

Very sorry he didnt make it.
Sorry R.I.P.
He didn't sound in good shape.
I would still feed the fish peas to flush them through.
other tankmates are 10 zebra/leopard danios and 5 peppered cories. (plus the 2 remaining loaches) They still dont come out much. Its very frustrating. I really hope it doesnt continue this way. it would be a big waste of tank space. Ill probably pick up a third new loach on sunday
So they are still not coming outta caves/hiding places?
Are they eating?
They shoulda came out by now..typical loach behaviour is to hide once introduced, some exploring but they make sure the coast is clear..
Any whitespots u can see?
redness around gills, fuzzy patches?
Clowns are so suseptible to ick no matter what we do.
Is there any other tankmate not being mentioned?
When was last water change?
Water change can always help just incase there is something in your water they dont like that was not in lfs water.
Another idea is ask store for there parameters and try to match them w/o hurting your other fish, it may make them feel more comfortable.
Just wanted to reassure you that i had a burmese border who i introduced in tank and he lost almost all his bold colors and didnt come out for almost a week. Very very strange behaviour. Didnt come out to eat either. He finally warmed up to the tank..U may need a couple more loaches in the tank if u are Positive there is no disease. i would get 2 more.
they dont come out when im around. they are out at least once a day, but usually scurry back when i come to the tank
i have seen them eat
no white spots or redness that i can see
only tank mates are those i mentioned(cories, danios)
hasnt been a water change in about 2 weeks. nitrates are low and it is very understocked right now. im probably gonna do a 25-30% tomorrow

their color still looks good, they are just always spooked by me. im gonna pick up at least 1 more. kinda scared to get a 4th one. id hate to have $40 worth of fish that i never see. it has been 6 days since i bought them
well, the other 2 still look good and seem to be coming out a little more often. i decided to get two more bumping their numbers to 4. Im floating the bag now. Keeping my fingers crossed
well, the other 2 still look good and seem to be coming out a little more often. i decided to get two more bumping their numbers to 4. Im floating the bag now. Keeping my fingers crossed

I've got 3 clown loaches and they rarely come out. They hide in this sorta cave in some bogwood. They come out when no-one is about.

I would say that they won't come out to often if they are anything like mine.
Clown loaches need more company to stay healthy and active. It helps builds their confidence and they love to feel each others company. Without more; 1 would surely die.
3 is a bare minimum. That is why you are experiencing some problems. Slowly add a couple more over the next few weeks.

Also you should really consider a QT/Hospital tank especially dealing with loaches. Even if u never experienced problems before with your LFS there are always things that can happen. Putting him directly into your tank is asking for trouble. If the "new" fish is sick, ALL your fish could/and will become sick too. Then you must treat 20 fish instead of one.

Also you have a great tank to support at least 5-7 loaches happily. You may need a bigger tank in 3-5 years 150g or so, but if you are truly serious about the clowns i would do it. They will grow to almost 1ft or more and be your favorite fish. Clowns get BIG but slowly.

2 weeks is too long. Good rule is once a week and 50%, even 30% is good. Fresh Fish Love FRESH Water. Waiting 2-3 weeks IMO is too long. If you change the water I promise you will thank me and your fish will Thank you.

They are still babies yet so give them time. If you were moved to a new place you would probably be skittish too. I sure wouldnt be able to act "normal". :)

Good luck and keep us all posted.
Clown loaches need more company to stay healthy and active. It helps builds their confidence and they love to feel each others company. Without more; 1 would surely die.
3 is a bare minimum. That is why you are experiencing some problems. Slowly add a couple more over the next few weeks.

Also you should really consider a QT/Hospital tank especially dealing with loaches. Even if u never experienced problems before with your LFS there are always things that can happen. Putting him directly into your tank is asking for trouble. If the "new" fish is sick, ALL your fish could/and will become sick too. Then you must treat 20 fish instead of one.

Also you have a great tank to support at least 5-7 loaches happily. You may need a bigger tank in 3-5 years 150g or so, but if you are truly serious about the clowns i would do it. They will grow to almost 1ft or more and be your favorite fish. Clowns get BIG but slowly.

2 weeks is too long. Good rule is once a week and 50%, even 30% is good. Fresh Fish Love FRESH Water. Waiting 2-3 weeks IMO is too long. If you change the water I promise you will thank me and your fish will Thank you.

They are still babies yet so give them time. If you were moved to a new place you would probably be skittish too. I sure wouldnt be able to act "normal". :)

Good luck and keep us all posted.

thanks for the advice. I do appreciate it.

I realize that the clowns will always do better in larger groups, but there is an issue. I dont want to have a tank of just clowns. They are great fish and all, but i really dont want to devote half of my stocking to them. Its a delicate balance between proper numbers and having room for other stuff as well.

As for a QT tank, its something im considering, but its just not in the cards for now. The tank is definetly cycled at this point (havent seen any amonia or nitrite in over 3 weeks) and i decided id rather get the loaches now rather than later. The last thing i need is to wipe out an entire tank's worth of fish because one of them gets ich.

As for water changes, i was under the impression i could wait a little longer at the start, seing as that my tank isnt nearly stocked to capacity (just the 10 danios and 5 baby corys) My nitrate levels are still very low (under 20) so i figured i was safe. I plan on doing a change in the next couple of days, and then going to about once a week at 25-30%.

Anyways, the addition of the 2 new guys seems to have done wonders for the group. This morning i came down the stairs to see the 4 of them doing summersaults in the current in the front of the tank :hyper: As i approaced the tank, they recoiled a little towards their cave, but then came back out front and center. 1 of them still slightly shyer than the other 3, but eventually all 4 of them were chasing eachother up and down the sides of the tank. It doesnt look like they are scared of me anymore. :good: Im so glad. They are teriffic fish. I may consider adding another one down the road to bump the #'s to 5. We'll see how it goes.

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