Gay Fish?


Fish Crazy
Jun 28, 2007
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Az, 2son
I have a 30gal. and i had 3 mal guppies and 6 femals. 2 of the males all swim with eachother and avoid the femals. They have been like that for about 8 mounths now. I also heard they breed like crazy.

This is going to sound really stupid but don't make fun of me i am a newbiee

Is it possible to have, :S , homosexual fish
I've heard of female fish occasionally pairing up and laying unfertilized eggs (usually cichlids). As for the males...sorry I'm not an expert in fish behavior. Did you ever see the dominant male in the tank chasing the other males away from the females?
no you dont get gay fish, how long you had the females ? how old are they?
The one male guppie who isn't (gay) is the smallest so i doubt he is the dominate..... also the females have been in the tank for longer than the males.---- bought them first

but no big deal... be kinda cool having gay fish
The one male guppie who isn't (gay) is the smallest so i doubt he is the dominate..... also the females have been in the tank for longer than the males.---- bought them first

but no big deal... be kinda cool having gay fish
I've heard the oposite if the small female may feel like a normal size male they will become....!!!!////????? what they say a hermaphrodite the female can adapt to having both male and female reproductive orgains. This not somwthing I have witnessed but only heard about.and heard about it more than one time by credible people, or so they say lol\\
but for real I have heard this
The ability to switch genders is a very rare ability that only occurs in a few species of animals....and is not an ability possessed by guppies.
The same with my Turquoise Guppy. He's in a tank with one Sunrise male, 3 females, 3 almost-adult-fry, and 5, 3 week old fry. All he did all day for the first 3 weeks after I bought him was try to mate with the sunrise. However, now he wont leave the girls alone! My guppy (along with yours) may just be young and inexperienced. give him time, and he'll learn
i heard some1 had 1male gourami and 2 females the male would only breed with the biggest female one day the male gourami died and the big female turned blue and looked like a male and paired up with the small female but obviosly the eggs were infertile
I think its crazy that in this day and age someone thinks a fish to be gay...
Animals do not exhibit homosexuality in the wild nor in our aquariums.
Only humans, who do not know any better.
I think its crazy that in this day and age someone thinks a fish to be gay...
Animals do not exhibit homosexuality in the wild nor in our aquariums.
Only humans, who do not know any better.

I have to agree with that. Even when you see two dogs, same sex/gender, humping eachother, it's not homosexuality, its a dominance ritual. Some people just dont know simple facts.
Do 25% water changes every other day, with water that's a couple of degrees cooler. Feed a high protein diet, like bloodworms or even beefheart mix every other day, the off days make sure to feed some vegetable matter, spirulina flake is a good one, a little zuccini is even better. Fast for one day weekly, this helps to prevent bloat & constipation from the beefheart.

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