10 Gallon Tank, I Think My Fish May Have Ick?


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
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I have a 10 gallon tank, recently set up, i've only had it for less than 2 months. i have gradually added fish into this tank, and as of now (i'm not adding anymore) i have 6 glowlight tetras, 3 amano shrimp, and 3 corydora catfish. the tank has live java fern and live java moss and some decorations.
the other day i noticed one of my corydora flicking against the gravel on the bottom of the tank, and today, when i was feeding, i noticed little white spots on the tetras. what should i do to help them? i have an "ick and parasite cure" for bettas, but i don't think i should use that for my tank. even thought they have the spots and some flicking, they all seem to be acting happy, healthy and busy. help please? :)
Whitespot looks like grains of salt on the fish.
You will have to remove the strimp as they don't tolerate parasite meds.
Remove black carbon from the tank if you use it.
Raise temp to 30, in crease aeration as the high temps and meds reduce 02 in the water.
Read parasite instructions carefully that you can add the full dose, as corys are senistive to parasite meds.
I've also noticed You are probably at your max capacity for your tank I wouldnt add anymore.
6 glowlights
3 cories

thats good stocking for a 10g.
I've been told ich is caused mostly by a sudden and/or drastic drop in water temp. ( like during water changes if your not careful )
hehe yeah, don't worry, i'm not getting anymore fishies (i had originally only wanted 5 tetras, but the guy gave me an extra one, if that makes a diference. hehe) ^_^

i'm positive that it is ich. there are little white spots, like salt, on some of the tetras and theyre' flicking against rocks occasionally, but the cories are flicking too, even though i don's see any spots.

ok, so, remove the shrimp and the black carbon filter.

i can't raise the temperature because the heater that i have isn't adjustable :/
what's a good ick/parasite killer that i can use on both my tetras and my cories?
Where-ish are you located?
This will help us with giving you further help of tellin you what medications to use.

I used Ick Clear by Jungle. It works fast and I find it to be a great product! :nod:
King British is a decent med also. Just remember to add an extra air stone if using meds as they can remove O2 from the water.

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