Levels Seem To Be Getting Straight Now


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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After weeks of tank cycling (yes with fish, we made that mistake), our water levels seem to be doing ok now.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 40
Nitrite - 2
PH - 7

All down to our gravel vac. What a wonderful piece of equipment!!

We have no real plants at the mo, cuz I think the high ammonia killed them off, so will be getting a couple this weekend.

In the tank, we have 2 black mollys, 2 corydora catfish, and 1 rummy nose tetra (the others suffered the nasty high ammonia...*sigh* )

What do you suggest we get now? We only want to get a couple to start with, to make sure the levels dont get affected too much.


Scuse the reflection of my boyfriends PC monitor lol
You still need to continue daily water changes to keep the nitrite below .25ppm until it also drops to zero. It is just as deadly as ammonia.
I agree. Don't add anything until your tank is completely cycled. And then, I'd add more of the tetras to round out that grouping. Tetras usually like schools of 6. Then, a week or two later, I'd round out the mollies. I have 3 (2 females, 1 male) and they do beautifully.

Oh wait a minute.... I didn't realize you only had a 15 gallon tank. Hmmmmmmmmmm... that's unfortunate. Sure you don't wanna buy a 30 gallon? :lol:

I would've gotten either the mollies or the tetras.... but not both in a 15 gallon. Opinions vary, though. Someone might say you can have 3 mollies and 3 tetras, along with your 2 corys.
We did have 3 mollys, and 5 tetras, but the others died :(

Just shows the problems with not reading up before you start your tank I guess :blush:

Our nitrite was 0.25 about 2 days ago. Not sure why it shifted like it has.
i am cycling with fish too at the minute and havng to do daily water changes to keep the toxic levels low. It will be worth all the hard work when my ammonia and nitrite levels drop to zero. I am around 25% into my cycle i reckon, the ammonia has been spiking and the nitrite is building up. I suppose i have a few more weeks to go before the ammonia drops down. Hard work like i said but rather that than dead fish!LOL! I too have done a good gravel vac today and cleaned my filter out (Tes, in tank water, not tap water!!!) as it was covered in a white dusty tpye of stuff and the inside of the filter was yakky! Lets se if that makes a difference to my levels!!! Its good to hear someone is nearly reaching the end! Goodluck with the remainder of your cycle!! GRJ :fish: :fish: :thumbs:
We did have 3 mollys, and 5 tetras, but the others died :(

Just shows the problems with not reading up before you start your tank I guess :blush:

Our nitrite was 0.25 about 2 days ago. Not sure why it shifted like it has.

Even for cycling with fish, that was a large bioload for a 15 gallon to start up with. But, as you say, you didn't know. We learn as we go. That's the beauty of fishkeeping.

Your numbers are changing because your tank is changing. Just be sure to do your water changes religiously and let's get your numbers really level before we figure out what else you should put in your tank. :good:
The reason your nitrite is still going up is that the bacteria that process nitrite develop slower than the ones that process ammonia. You hae enough bacteria to process the ammonia which they are doing but that means more nitrite. Just keep the WCs up. It shouldn't take much longer.
Thanks everyone. Will keep you updated! Just done another water change. Least the fish look alot happier than they did before.

Oh, we also have a baby molly in a seperate tank. We only saw it during a water change a couple of weeks back. We put it in a seperate tank so it would not get eaten, or sucked into the bigger filter.

When would it be ok to put it back in the big tank? It's about 3 weeks old now.
Once cycling is done as stated above, It would be good to add to your tetras..maybe 4-5 more tetras..and defineatley 2-3 more cories as your only bottom feeder. Cories (if small) have a general rule which is 2 cories for every 5 gallons...If larger cories then 1 per 5 gallons.

Get a QT tank if you can afford it, nothing fancy no need for substrate or plants just a top, hood, and heater. Light optional but it helps look at fish daily to see if they have diseases. Dont add all at once only 2-3 fish at a time. Otherwise bacteria colony in media filter wont be able to keep up, and stress will be put on fish. Good Luck.

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