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  1. P

    Tank Leaking!

    Got home from work yesterday afternoon to find a small pool of water around the bottom edge of the tank. :crazy: It is a slow leak (at the moment) that appears to be coming from the bottom of the left hand side at the front of the tank. Tank is second hand and I've had it about two or three...
  2. P

    My Tank Has Just Cycled And....

    Congratulations on your cycled tank :good:
  3. P


    Arrived safely today. Thanks again Weimster :good:
  4. P


    Thanks Weimster, much appreciated :)
  5. P


    No problem.
  6. P

    Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

    Plants arrived this afternoon. Thanks very much indeed :good: All the best. P.
  7. P

    My First Day At The Lfs

    Congrats on your new job! I always found the first day in any new job a bit daunting, but sounds as though you took it all your stride. Good luck for the future.
  8. P


    Thank you very much Weimster, that's great. Payment of £4.50 is on it's way via pp. :good:
  9. P

    Guidance On Stocking

    I'm with you on that for sure, they have wonderful colouring. I was thinking about a shoal of about 9 or 10 along with a smaller shoal of some other small fish, maybe zebra danio. But as I'm new to this I would appreciate a little guidance here & there...
  10. P

    Guidance On Stocking

    Hi, I would appreciate some advice on stocking my tank. It’s an 80L planted tank with sand substrate, bogwood, java moss, java ferns, anubias, moss balls, elodea and some floating riccia. I want to set it up as a community tank. I have listed below what appeals to me and would possibly like...
  11. P


    Ah, that would explain why I couldn't send a pm earlier today...
  12. P


    I can't pm you for some reason; the forum won't let me! :angry: I would like 5-10 plants if possible, but would be quite happy with less. Let me know if that's ok and a price and I'll sort out payment for you. Are you ok with paypal? Thanks. P.
  13. P


    Hi, have you any more Frogbit left for sale? Thanks, Paul.
  14. P

    Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

    :lol: Well, I hope I have similar success as you, it seems to grow extremely well in your tank :good: Thanks for your help. Regards, Paul.
  15. P

    Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

    Sorted. Gift payment of £1.50 via Paypal is on its way to your account. :good: Regarding planting, do you have to be careful how far you plant the cutting into the substrate, or is it really just a case of placing the stem into the sand and away it goes?
  16. P

    Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

    Great, I'd like to buy a small amount to try out. Can I buy a £1.50 worth posted please? Also, how is it planted? Does it have roots that need to be planted right into the substrate or other? Thanks. Paul.
  17. P

    Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

    Hi, How much light does it need? I have about 1w per gallon so not sure if my tank would provide enough light. Thanks, Paul.
  18. P

    Fishless Cycle

    For me, the nitrites were off the scale high for about ten days, finally dropping back onto the scale on day 25 when the reading was 5.0 My tank is a similar size to yours at 20g, but as WD said everyones cycle is unique. But it will get there in the end :good: All the best. Paul.
  19. P

    Fishless Cycle

    By day 17 my nitrites were so high they were off the scale, although the API test kit I use gave a false reading after five minutes. I thought my nitrites were low too until I picked up what was going on; the test solution turned purple as soon as it hit the bottom of the test tube, indicating...
  20. P

    Yes! 20 Gallon Tank

    Congrats! Fish in cycling must have been hard work, well done. I'm working on a fishless cycle at the moment and am nearly there...
  21. P


    Thank you kindly for the warm welcome all of you, much appreciated. The knowledge and advice that I have seen displayed on the many threads in the forums here has been really helpful and from what I've seen is given in a kind and supportive way that is so important for novices and newcomers...
  22. P


    Hi all, it's my first post so thought I had better say hello :D I inherited an 80L tank a few months ago. At the time I thought it was a simple case of filling the tank with water, switching the heater & filter on and then adding a few fish! :X Thankfully, that didn't happen due to having...