Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

If u can send a gift to [email protected] and the address u want it sent to then I'll post it monday.

U cant PM me so I'll post it to palpay account if u dont want your address posted on the open forum :)
Sorted. Gift payment of £1.50 via Paypal is on its way to your account. :good:

Regarding planting, do you have to be careful how far you plant the cutting into the substrate, or is it really just a case of placing the stem into the sand and away it goes?
Nope they happy with what ever :)

I've not killed any yet and belive me i've tried
Hello, i used to randomly buy plants just for the look of them & most died, or ended up being stripped by some fish, but i'm trying to buy correctly this time & get my tank looking right.

Is there any fish which this plant does well for? Or any that would eat it? I'm quite interested in buying some do you accept paypal :)
I keep guppies and cory's and a couple of pleco's and their fine.

it should fair quite well with most fish unless their a well know herbivore then enjoy ripping plants apart, like cichlids.
hi i would like a bunch if there are any left please x x
it's £1.50 posted for 5 plants

Postage is 61p
but thats included.
Hi Helter have you got any more available, ive just gone down the live plany route and love the look of your tank :)

If not, keep me in mind for the next batch please :)
LOL yes i got enough, just.....

Any more will have to wait a week or so.

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